Captain Alarno

I've heard they are going for full blown realism in this one and using The Secret of Monkey Island as a reference. There's the three trials, a three headed monkey and even a gubernatorial seal.

I am aghast. Rocket Raccoon with a British accent? We don't even have raccoons in the UK! What about Blackjack O'Hare? I'm trying to remember if his wiseguy patois was in the text.

I will boycott this film if Rocket Raccoon is reduced to a squeaky voiced one liner. In fact, if he's not voiced by Nathan Fillion I'm out.

"Basically, the closest I could get to Alyx before running into her hit box was at around two feet away."


The real shame about this is that Franklin Graham had an interesting point, but it was so muddled, unfounded and obfuscated by religion that it was easy to miss. Maybe violent games should have a levy imposed on them, say five dollars, and that money go directly towards easing the effects of violence in society.

So the London Underground map isn't accurate?

The unfortunate position of her leg makes it appear that she is floating a virtual air biscuit.

Strap this on your sore ass....

You have just sold several dozen copies of The Run. EA should have you on commission.


That seemed like a lot of trouble to get that kid a tape of Jefferson Airplane...

I thought it was pure perseverance... and saving your kiwi friends

Having just replayed Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga and feeding Boba Fett to the Sarlacc, I can attest that it is video games related.

"Where do you want to go miss?"