I like Henry Cavill, but I’m worried that he’s too emotional to handle a leadership position (especially at a certain time of the month).
I like Henry Cavill, but I’m worried that he’s too emotional to handle a leadership position (especially at a certain time of the month).
Usee name does not check out.
The most ridiculous example of this that I can find:
I’m not one to scoff at free games or shit on their selection..but, man, this month is rough. They did just give everyone Uncharted Collections and Journey, so I guess it balances out.
Uh...yeah, ok.
You’ll never guess what I saw on the internet.
My wife once told me she originally thought the first line of the song was “Got my first real sex dream...”
Don’t forget about 2004 with THE INCREDIBLES, SPIDER-MAN 2, and HELLBOY. I’m not saying its the best, but it should be kept in mind with these other years people are listing as, at least, a strong year.
A few weeks ago I was listening to Portishead’s “Dummy” and it suddenly popped in my head that Brits call a pacifier a dummy, and now the album title makes sense.
Here in the UK we only ever got the Australian version - I only learned that it was dubbed for the US recently, and I can’t imagine how that would work; the Australian-ness of the film is such an integral part of it.
Nice. *high five*
stay woke out there
It's not that I don't mostly enjoy James Cameron's 1986 sequel (mostly),
Recently started playing RE4 with a couple friends after not touching it for the better part of a decade. When I was younger I could stomp my way through the village with ease, no troubles whatsoever as I pulled off perfect head shots, lead the ganados around the village and picked them off one at a time. This time,…
So whos gonna start speedrunning it?
"He turned it into a 2D object! ....it got better."
Burn it!