
The only instruction I think they reliably follow is transmission requests. When I worked at a publication that had several reviewers, we had a couple of writers, specializing in family cars, who didn’t know stick. A manufacturer once accidentally delivered a stick, and went out of their way to fix that as soon as

Are you crazy? The 205 is amazing! It’s the essence of a great design style but varied to perfection. There is no comparison in design quality or materials quality to any F30.

I’ll tack on that dealing with a press car can often be more of a headache than it’s worth. People think it’s all great, with you getting the keys to Someone Else’s Car for a little while. But that aspect is actually terrible. We try our best to treat them better than our own cars, not worse, and that adds an extra

Who says we don’t have sex in the press cars?

It’s all plastic trim, which looks horrid paired with the bezel.

It’s the Bezel, if it was just screen and not surrounded by half an inch of black plastic I think people would have less to complain about. I wonder how hard it’d be to replace

I wouldn’t mind it if it the screen actually looked like something high-end made in 2015. Instead, it looks like a five year-old Wal-Mart grade, no-brand Android tablet crazy glued to the dash.

There is absolutely no resemblance whatsoever? WTF are you looking at?

Greatness awaits... and awaits...

Not boring =/= good. Battlefield Earth was not boring, it was also a steaming pile of shit.

Nah. It’s just that many of us have used multi-blade cartridge razors for so long we’re afraid to switch. My epiphany came when I found myself one day having only a single edge disposable available so I used it and felt it was a far superior shave to a cartridge. I immediately got a safety razor, blades, cream, brush

Nah. It’s just that many of us have used multi-blade cartridge razors for so long we’re afraid to switch. My



that’s awesome. Yeezy is the best

It’s not nostalgia. The FFVII remake is nostalgia. Shenmue was never finished, the story they are making for III is the final chapter in the Shenmue story. How can part of a story that’s never been told be nostalgia?

Bear this in mind.

The S&P Analyst was asked about his weekend plans and responded.

There’s suspension of disbelief, and then there’s “Wait. There’s like sixteen different glowing things on him, but that dumbass guard can’t see any of that from two feet away?”

“IN ENGINE” is the biggest bullshit term used in videogame trailers. People who don’t know think it means “IN GAME”, but it doesn’t. There’s a big difference.

But does it have, the greatest small 3-wheeled car...in the world?