
We’re going to send astronauts to find their rovers and landers, kick them over, then teabag them while planting an American flag.

they’re not, Goldman is the issuing bank

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again;

If it means Japan’s society has less social upheaval and crime due to addiction issues, maybe that’s not a bad trade off.

Oh thank god Manic Otti has finally weighed in on the topic. Put it to bed scientists! 

SHAWD PAWS MIAO MIAO or something along those lines...

SHAWD PAWS MIAO MIAO or something along those lines...

SHAWD PAWS MIAO MIAO or something along those lines...

continues to be FWD

Truly, this scourge of paying people to do things must be stopped, and now. Perhaps we could start by imprisoning all the folks who imprison other folks for money. 

Tomorrow Skip Bayless is going to activate his full power.  His eyes are going to light up, and he’s going to destroy the set of Undisputed in a burst of nuclear rage.

It wouldn’t suddenly take a break. If you know the movie is going to have an intermission, you can build it into the edit. And since they aren’t the norm, you could include a warning ahead of the film that notifies the audience there will be a brief intermission.

Hold on to your butts: Coming Soon’s Alan Cerny alleges that Marvel is considering an including an intermission in Avengers: Endgame

maybe read the article

maybe read the article

I think it was that throw to Gronk down the sideline where he noted, “If the safety steps up, he’s going to Gronk one-on-one.” I immediately was staring at that safety, saw him step up, and I was like, “Here it comes.”

You know what the most important words you just typed were, right?

They were “...before he got injured.

Let’s set those aside and look at the other most important word you typed. It was “a,” as in “A clear front-runner for MVP.”

I don’t really know how someone can be simultaneously A (rather than THE) “clear”

Whatever, I’m still proud of this.

This tracks with what I’ve been wondering about him since he demanded the trade out of CLE: Why the fuck did he think he had the nuts to be the alpha?

I get him wanting to leave Cleveland (sorry, Cleveland). I get him believing he was good enough because he’s self-confident. I get him not wanting to be LeBron’s Pippen