BBQ & Steak Judge

The employees at Starbucks couldn’t give a shit whether you pay it forward or not. Want to test that? If someone in front of you pays for your drink during one of these pay it forward charades, put the price of your drink in the tip jar. Do you think they’ll dig it out and put it towards the next car? Hell no.

For fuxsake, Pay it forward” at place where moderately affluent people order overpriced coffee from the comfort of their large SUV sounds comically pretentious and tone deaf, even during a time where virtue signalling for sport is common place.

... and if you’re in a line of 36 pay-it-forwards, nobody except the last guy is getting anything for free. You’re just paying for a different order than your own. That’s not charity. But then I don’t understand the whole Starbucks culture. Sure, I’ll drink their mocha once in awhile, but no over-roasted, overpriced an

Former Bux partner here: I killed Pay-it-Forward chains whenever they’d happen. The reason being is because, like most drive-thru businesses, we had a “bump screen” or a screen to keep the orders organized. When a Pay-it-Forward chain would happen, that would be the god-send to keep the orders in order. HOWEVER, the

THANK YOU.  Forced generosity or charity is neither.  Also, sorry, not sorry, I don’t want to be the guy who has the cheap and easy order having to pay for the family of 6 behind me - I don’t have to justify my reasons, but sometimes people just can’t afford it.

The pay it forward thing has always been the dumbest thing imaginable. It’s performative charity for people who don’t need it. Want to feel good? Donate time or money to an actual cause. Or, as this article wisely suggests, tip the workers.

I was blinded by a car with LED’s last evening. Really - two lane road near my house. Darn near had to stop. I couldn’t see ahead for those lights in my eyes.

Can we stop using the term “investing” in these articles, please?  It’s gambling - which is fine, but lets not pretend it’s anything else.

Republicans stole the election in 2000, 2016 and stole a Supreme Court judge in 2017. In 2020 not a damn thing was stolen other than what respectability your party still had. You fucks would lose your shit if we acted like you and unlike you Trump sucking jackasses we can actually produce evidence.  

Oh stop the bullshit. In 2016, Hillary Clinton *conceded* the day after the networks called it. Democrats filed zero lawsuits contesting the election, and took zero cases to the supreme Court to attempt to throw out the results. There was never a left-wing mob storming the capital to try to stop the certification of

Since you a total dirtbag mentioned Cops —

Oh, you again? Shit son, I wouldn’t even mock you this time, I’ll just repeat what I said to another one like you.

Shut up fascist. You have no argument or proof. Go sit in the corner with Hitler and let the adults talk. 

You need help bro...

Clinton conceded the election; and let’s not forget that Trump even went so far as to say he wouldn’t consider the election to be legitimate if he lost. Don’t be an idiot.

Only one party supports a violent overthrow based the proven lies of a gameshow host.

The one that ended up with the Capital being sacked and some people dying during an attempt to pressure the sitting VP to not certify the election while a bunch of sitting Representatives and Senators were trying to cynically get Congress to not certify the election results. 

Which party incited it’s followers to storm congress in an attempt to disrupt the certification of an election?

Just trying to stay professional so is Hell No or Hells No the preferred format?

Any mention of Martha Stewart makes me think of this now.