Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.

I wouldn’t share this, or elementary school, or first pet name...

Surprised the cop didn’t shoot at it since it’s black.

All I can say is at least we have MotorWeek. My dad introduced me to the show back in the 80's and I have been hooked ever since. I grew up about five minutes away from Maryland Public Television’s HQ (they were the station that has produced the show since it started in 1981) and every once and awhile we would see

The pay it forward thing has always been the dumbest thing imaginable. It’s performative charity for people who don’t need it. Want to feel good? Donate time or money to an actual cause. Or, as this article wisely suggests, tip the workers.

I don’t need another car

As Jeremy Clarkson once famously said: “Hand-built is just a nice way of saying the door will fall off!

Is there any further context to be reported? Can he not get it over to the Burbank Tesla shop and talk(Yell?) to a service advisor there?

Like five years ago, I thought I wanted one of these. The theory was, it would be a perfect Radwood type of car. At the time, I wanted a cool “local car” because I was living in East Nashville, and most of my trips were only like 3-4 miles, at the most. Sometimes I’d get wild and drive like 20 miles to the ‘Boro, but

Pulling over and being polite (and respectable looking and clean cut, if not entirely white in my case) when they have you dead to rights really is the way to go. Like Chris Rock said “If they have to chase you, they gonna bring an ass whoopin’ with them. Literally or figuratively to the wallet.

Mine was in a 98 SVTC as well.

One time, back when I was a cop, I stopped this crime ring that was boosting DVD players and car stereos. Long story short, I wound up JOINING the group family and traveling the world committing/stopping crimes. Then I had a kid and they stopped inviting me to the jobs. Kids ruin everything.

“I love it when a van comes together!”

Codesky brownsky.... or something.

Do I think this is fair? No.
Do I think this is right? No.

...this is a lie I would never have the balls to do something this ill advised...

You... You just got paid to write that. They paid you to write chowder-like slurries of waste”. You have the best job...

Any car at practically any speed in the middle of a snowstorm. That’s when I always imagine I’m piloting a spaceship.