Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My white privilege says “I can do what I want, why you mad bro”

GoFundMe, taking the panhandler off the street corner and into your social media feed since 2010.

I laughed and I should not have being black and all.  Well done.

Clearly Fast N Loud. It proves (paraphrases) the old adage that if you give a million monkeys tools and parts they will eventually build a car....and drink a lot of beer.

Flashback to 1997. I worked as the only salesman at a small 2nd tier used car lot with two lot guys. Beau and Rennie. The three of us decided after work on Friday to head to Myrtle Beach from Richmond to enjoy a long weekend. We piled into my 1993 Ford Thunderbird LX V6 and hit the road. Beau asked if we could stop at

I still break out Gran Turismo A-Spec as it was the pinnacle (at one time) of console based racing games and I still have a PS3. On the road I play NFS Carbon on my laptop.

I am thinking of Northern Virginia DC level traffic so a retired SWAT Gurkha would be ideal.

Well there’s this “and a digital dash” but also this” apparently has to estimate since a broken odometer wasn’t on the rebuild punch list.” So you’re telling me you put a digital dash in the car and the one thing that does not work is the odometer? Indeed sir you must be high on crack as this alone seems sketchy. No

Truth!  I have a buddy who is farther from a car enthusiast than Ghandi and in his car there is crap / trash in every area except the driver’s seat.  The one time I rode with him my feet were in 1 foot of random crap.  The back seat was full of loose Cheerios and other assorted empty juice boxes and happy meal

Rims and tires.  Nice rims and good tires can make even the most banal car look cool.  I quote Fernando (Billy Crystal) who famously said “Its better to look good than to feel good”

What sorcery is this?

The Miata.  Especially if its a manual.  

There is a “Lada” stuff happening in there

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations. He’s a very new and inexperienced drive.......did I mention he is is white?

So basically they are “wacky waving non-synchronous intermittent arm flailing windshield clearing apparatus”

$2500 and an additional $2000 for a decent V8 to create grandpa’s sleeper. As Philip J Fry once said “Shut up and take my money”

Back in the 90s when Virginia was requiring county stickers affixed next to the inspection stickers to provide visual proof of paid property taxes a friend of mine (before quality color printers) would draw fake county stickers using markers and colored pencils. They were believable up to about a foot away. He got

Wawa, not just a place to get gas and convenience store items but also the sound you hear when your Hypercar goes up in flames.

Hitting the other car head on while drag racing is akin to shooting yourself in the back of the head while practicing archery.

This is why I stopped going to C&C events as well as local car shows. As cars get more powerful they are falling into the hands of those who do not have enough experience as drivers. Now I do not know how old the Hellcat driver is in this example but I have seen firsthand 20-somethings and younger with cars that have