Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My all-time favorite cars, of any kind, are the late 60's F1 cars. They look like someone put a V8 in the back of a Kayak.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

The final straw was when not a single one spontaneously caught fire...

I ... I mean what the actual fuck?! 

that particular wiper assembly is incredibly expensive and involved to replace and to install - i assume that when it went bad, it was simpler and more cost-effective to just replace the vehicle around it.

It’s funny to think that people used to think 140 HP was enough to haul around a dinosaur like this. Too much $$ for this old war horse. Someone will buy it though, as P.T. Barnum once said “There’s a sucker born every minute.” CP

My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”

There are unmolested NA Miatas for sale for $2,500 all day around here. Why take on all of the issues with this one? Perhaps for $500 and LeMons duty. 

Video title says Veyron but I’m pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

Wait, where’s the explosion?

Oops!  Interesting article, Andrew, honey.

Now playing

And here’s what happens when you put a drag racer on a road course.

I wish my life was so awesome that the biggest problem I had was whether or not other people were removing yellow plastic protective bits from their cars.

JEEBUS! Can this idiot seller possibly have more CRAP in his photos, around the car and in the background? I couldn’t even finish reading your (I ass-sume) excellent write-up as it was obvious I would never buy anything this person was selling. Gives “shady” a bad name just looking at this . . .

that’s pretty good for a LeMons joke build

Another nerd reference that says the only way to win is to cheat is the good old Kobayashi Maru.

The question was not whether or not a Jag is economically sensible. If you’re in the market for a Jag, this is a nicely sorted, well cared for example with a reasonable price. It’s like buying a boat; you know what you’re getting into and should have a budget to match.

This woman is clearly very economically anxious.  

Ozark, Ala. police officers charged 36-year-old Brandy Murrah...