Probably accounting for the original $1000 to buy it another $500 to paint it, all of the gas and oil over the years and, the cost of replacing tires after all those sweet sweet burnouts.
Probably accounting for the original $1000 to buy it another $500 to paint it, all of the gas and oil over the years and, the cost of replacing tires after all those sweet sweet burnouts.
“The ad says that over $20K has been invested in the car” I suspect that 20K did not include a nice detail job before the ad was placed. Like the Kansas song this car’s price and appearance will be dust in the wind. Fall foliage orange crack pipe!
I think Trump imagines himself much like this.
Well according to the Producers (credit Mel Brooks) “A producer could make a lot more money with a flop than a hit by overselling shares in the production, because no one will audit the books of a play (movie) presumed to have lost money”
I know I will be in the minority voting CP but too many wrongs to make it right.
Is that kid playing the recorder James May’s illegitimate son?
Or maybe she just packed up and went home because “Donald fucking Trump is the president of the United States”
ZO6 Corvette for the day - $280
Space Force promotional video.
Especially after those parking attendants got ahold of it.
That’s not a Swastika that’s a Space(Force)tika.
So much understeer.
1. Spend the money. Don’t buy cheap tires because in the end you will just spend more replacing them sooner.
Downside to lift gates as opposed to barn door style.
Passaic’s Peckham picked a peck of parked people movers.