Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here you go.

It appears to be a blank canvas ready for some TLC and a refresh. Looks like a NP all day for that model/year.

Get away with it = “man I scammed the heck outta that guy and got a sweet deal”

Simple answer.  Cadillac CTS-V.  Looks good at church, the bingo hall, the hair dressers or just cruising around town.  Plus the power....OHHHH THE POWEEERRRRR!!!!!

Oh, OK then.  I guess the old idle hands thing is international.

This is the Russian equivalent to the old US adage “hey guys hold my beer!” Apparently long cold Russian winters fueled by copious amounts of vodka have disastrous results.

Well it is a re-cycling center so maybe they will put them to good use. 

Thought you might ;)

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You win the official Horatio Caine powerup!!!

That’s almost as petty as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) saying do not refer to us as “eye-sew” or SAP saying don’t call us “sap (as in tree)“. Name and brand recognition is what sells a product. If your consumers call you something and you are successful then reap the benefits.

Even though the front end looks like a swollen puffer fish it would still be probably the only one at your local C&C. If you have the beans buy it. Even an ugly dog has an owner somewhere. NP for exclusivity.

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I could give two (expletive deleted) how broke Charlie Sheen thinks he is. This self absorbed, mysogonistic, drug abusing hack needs to be taken down several more pegs.

Considering the damage his lungs endured during the crash and the treatments thereafter he is fortunate to have made it this far. Good luck sir.

Came here for this. My Friday is complete. KUDOS!!!!

Came here for this. My Friday is complete. KUDOS!!!!

Id give someones right arm to have heard that thing screaming through the buildings first hand.

LOTUS = Lots of trouble usually serious or Last owner tilted under stress CP. Broken ODO and AC are signs of times to come.