Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nothing will ever ruin the exhilaration and joy of driving a car per se but an experience that ruined a particular car was this: I bought my wife a 2002 Jetta 1.8 T several years back because as she put it “it’s cute”. I had a few friends who owned VWs with much aplomb so I thought it was a good buy. It had


True but they drove (stole) a very simalr car (yellow) in the 2nd iteration. Plus it was Catherine Bach aka Daisy Duke. ;)

Only if it comes with the two girls from Cannonball Run II ;)

Thanks I needed a good laugh today. Cheers!

It makes Wilford Brimley cry DIABEETUS!

Typically every car bra I have seen has worked against the paint on the car in one or two ways. The bra seems to leave a line in the paint / clear coat at the leading edge due to wind vibrations and two as cars age the sun does lighten the paint even on the most pampered car so take the bra off and you have an

Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Plus I’d like to see the paint under the bra as those things are murder on a car’s finish. Still pause money for a Vette that may come with risks. Sadly your crakpipe has been preheated.

Another case of “it’s old so it must be worth a lot of money right....RIGHT?!” Crackpipe!!

My 2013 300 S suddenly seems inadequate.

Cheap commuter. Buy it and drive it til the wheels fall of.

That’ll buff out.

Exactly like that. I worked 8 to 6 Mon - Friday with an hour lunch and 8-5 on Sat. I was the only salesperson on staff. We had a lot guy who charged batteries and washed cars and we had a guy who did simple repairs. The owner would carouse all day with different women off property either in his 40 foot boat or driving

Fixed :).

Yeah I am bad about that. I was chastised for it in school too.

I was a used car pimp.

Coulor me jealous. :)

There are four or five running around Central Va in various colors but not many. Subaru sold around 15,000 domestically but inasmuch as rare, I’d say you will probably see more of them than you will a Chrysler Conquest / Mitsubishi Starion considering the latter sold for two more model years and 35,000 more units