Rick Mears vs 85 Bears in a Bus driven by Ditka who wins

Running backs who hate answering questions always do well in Buffalo, so that’s good news.

I just moved to South Carolina from NoVa, suck my balls traffic, but anyway, the mention of trying to avoid neighbors is so true... down here I know all my neighbors and they talk to me all the time and it freaked me the fuck out at first, but it’s actually nice being a normal social human being... God I hate NoVa. I


When are complaints about unoriginal post content going to stop? It’s so unoriginal at this point. You people are becoming the Phonetically Written Boston Accent guys.


I understand a New Yorker’s disdain for sandals considering the filth of the city in which you reside and the grounds on which it exists.

Completely unnecessary Pro Bowl violence. We miss you, Sean Taylor.

Even when they’re in the right, these guys are raging dickheads. I want to be on their side here, they’re up against jag offs who threw water balloons at people for no good reason. This should be an easy time to pick sides. And yet, the off-duty cops (I assume) are screaming at people and pinning people the asphalt?

Cyclists and cops - two groups that often think they are above the law and are loved only by their own kind.

How Vin Scully perfectly times stories like that to last as long as the AB passes the point of “skill” to “white wizard magic.”

For real, though, if judging only the network guys, I’d go:

1. Conan
2. Letterman
3. Carson (more out of respect than anything)
4. Kimmel
5. Ferguson
6. Fallon
7. Meyers
8. Corden, whom I have never watched
9. Carson Daly getting hit by a car
10. Carson Daly
11. Getting hit by a car
12. Leno

Comments about late night shows inevitably include “eh I don’t find that particular show funny I prefer another” but when you watch this montage and realize that even if you weren’t a regular viewer that on over 6000 separate nights Dave brought a little joy to the world and maybe you only ever had one laugh at

Late Night Show Hosts Ranked.

You don’t know what’s going on here? If you haven’t been paying attention to Marvin Hudson, you’re missing out. Dude is like King of Leon’s sex....he’s on fire right now. Let’s explain.

Did you watch what happened at all? Harper’s ball/strike complaint was a one-liner, and the ump was ready to move on, because that shit happens all the time, because umps and players are grown-ups.

For comparison, since Robert Kraft says this is such a harsh penalty, harshest ever! Let’s compare the bountygate fallout to this, I found the info by doing a simple Wikipedia search (I pardon neither team for their actions, but just reprimanding the whining of one billionaire):

Meanwhile the Ukraine starts furiously practicing O Canada.

If we’re giving all the power to the NFL and the office of the commissioner, this is something that can happen to all 32 teams.