Rick Mears vs 85 Bears in a Bus driven by Ditka who wins

“I just get really worked up. To receive the harshest penalty in league history is just not fair.”

It may not be as vile as First Take, but that is one bad show. Just terrible.

Ladell Betts.

This is so misleading, as usual. “Kill you” is just how Aaron Hernandez refers to losing weight.

Mouton also tells a similar story of when he sacked Tom Brady, and Brady told him he would, “Knock the wind out of him.”


This list is nonsense. You totally forgot Mr. Snrub.

You had more to say about Marvin Monroe than Skinner, who’s had numerous episodes dedicsfed to him and countless hours of dialogue?

"I forgot," "oops, missed that one" or "doh!" would be a better explanation.

How in blue perfect hell is Principal Seymour Skinner not on this list?! You could easily make the argument that Skinner was Shearer's best character. I call shenanigans.

Jones and Snyder had strong cases, but cases that implicated the league in collusive behavior. They likely feared that an aggressive appeal would have forced the feckless Player’s Union into doing their fucking job and calling out collusion where it plainly and cartoonishly existed. That said, I don’t think Kraft

I don’t think Kraft will sue. (Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder had stronger cases when the NFL hit them for $46 million in cap space for exceeding the “salary cap” in an uncapped year, and they didn’t sue.) But I do think there’s a timeline where this is looked back on as a pivotal moment, the first time Goodell chipped

I still want to know why the “ignorance is no excuse” card was only played for Sean Payton and every other person in authority gets a free pass on everything, Goodell included.

Jon Stewart is probably better at sports than you. Hell, homey was a D-1 college soccer player. You play any D-1 scholarship ball in any sport? He’s smarter than you, more athletic than you and most assuredly more financially comfortable than you. Maybe you should just stfu.

Such attention to detail from a guy who traded a first round pick for Trent Richardson.

Clearly you are not a network announcer, as you didn’t refer to him “Mr.” Kraft.

Actually *adjusts spectacles* if I’m not mistaken, San Antonio doesn’t have a newspaper, rather a tree in the centre of town where people post missing cat signs and ads for Mario Elie’s cleaning service.

Floyd Mayweather is a lot of terrible things, and because of that, he will never get respect for being a master boxer. This post, whatever it is, is proof of that, as now we have people who clearly know very little about boxing are now determining what makes someone a coward in the ring. He fights

alcoholism, regional pride

Mike Mayock’s biggest issue is not understanding the meaning of the word “irony.” It is not ironic that Nelson Agholor is similar to Jeremy Maclin, the very same player he is replacing, Mike. It is not even coincidental. It is intentional that the Eagles selected a player similar to one who experienced success in