Rick Mears vs 85 Bears in a Bus driven by Ditka who wins

Maybe they should have just fired the bad ref and called it a day.

I saw (thankfully) the Larry Bird era.

Heh, I get it

Not pictured: Jack Sock’s sack jock

It works all the time, but no one notices when it does

Maybe he shouldn’t have just left HitchBOT out like that.

“Yea that guy really fell off the face of the earth once he stopped playing with Drew Brees”

Because at one point we’ve all created a giant black quarterback with all 99s that wore #1 and a visor

This is Joe’s go-to move. He did it to me one time when I heckled him between innings. It lasted a whole chorus of Sweet Caroline

I tuned in just in time to see the HBP without any of the context. When FP said “I can understand both sides of the argument” I knew the Nats were in the wrong

No thanks to the shiny ribbon around my neck. If I feel that my neck isn’t garnering enough attention I’ll dust off the old ascot.

Because ultimately no one really cares

But the wave is fun for everyone. Cespedes is for the restofus.

Peanut butter works too

Curious he never brought this up in 2012 when bountygate neutered his biggest rival

I know dozens of people, if not hundreds, that have been Redskins season ticket holders at one point in their life, and literally zero today. If you ask any person in burgundy and gold at any given game where they got their tickets, they got them for free from someone that works for someone.

I know they hate Brady and all but that is a little distasteful.

Between this, and the NFL getting away with punishing teams for violating a salary cap they publicly stated didn’t didn’t exist, I’m convinced there is either no law against collusion, or its just like traveling in the NBA, where everyone knows everyone does it, we just don’t care.

I don’t know, why do football teams kneel the ball when blowing someone out instead of going for records?

No you won’t. They will be just good enough to beat the spread but still lose, because they’re the Lions and they can’t even lose properly.