Rick Mears vs 85 Bears in a Bus driven by Ditka who wins

I once smashed a sneezeguard at a condiments bar in anger after a hurricanes game on Saturday. Went to the dolphins game the next day (same stadium) and instead of replacing it they just removed all of the other sneezeguards to match.

Truth is stranger than fiction. They also have a song called Saturday Nite. Ironically, Barry Bonds was born on a Friday, just one day before Saturday in the modern calendar.

Dumb Saints fan, or really dumb Bengals fan?

I remember watching the whole damn thing at the time. I can’t believe I had that kind of attention sp—OMFG DEFLATED FOOTBALLS

Some guys are better at closing than setup, and vice versa. Storen and Papelbon are both the former. It’s not just a pride thing. Setup guys have to deal with inherited runners and are often asked to go multiple innings. Some really good closers can do that too, but all that can really be asked of them is to keep a

The move will help the team, but if they had any chance of getting Tyler Clippard instead (which all signs indicate they could have) it is a really stupid move.

Shrewd move to break the bad news after 4pm when your average BBWAA member is already getting ready for bed.

I’m assuming the manager/ump discussion went something like this:

If he would’ve sacked him again anyway, why didn’t he, and pad his brilliant record?

Technically he tied Gastineau’s sack record of 22. He fell short of Strahans (Sacks + Tackles for Loss incorrectly counted as sacks) record of 22.5

LOL at the quarterback wearing one of those 80’s helmet phones. Stupid Canada

My theory is that he’s not a very interesting person once the mystery is gone.

Nope just a few people out of 7 billion

His kids still get hundreds of millions, just not the teams. He gave Rita a job with the Saints for a while and she was so bad he had to fire her. I’m sure if he had kids he trusted to not ruin his legacy, he would do it. Instead he has the kind of kids that sue him and try to get a judge to declare him as senile.

I think it needs to be reiterated that the kids will still get hundreds of millions, they just won’t get the teams.

Those first 4 strikeouts are the baseball equivalent of Billy Madison playing those 1st graders in dodgeball

When there is this much consensus on a sports site that local governments shouldn’t be paying for stadiums, imagine the consensus when you add non-sports fans (most people.) Classic case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease. While team owners are obviously the ones making out like bandits, we sports fans are

* Raccoon invades ceiling, chews through electrical wire, gets electrocuted to death, rots inside walls.

We had a dental plan?