They would look even more stupid if they gave the guy comparable tickets for the cheap price he paid, and show scam artists everywhere how to exploit them for extremely cheap tickets.
They would look even more stupid if they gave the guy comparable tickets for the cheap price he paid, and show scam artists everywhere how to exploit them for extremely cheap tickets.
Stubhub really had three choices here, and only one makes sense:
Yep, and when asked about the pitch, Harper only said that Hamels pitched a great game. Rookie taking the high road over the "old school police"
Please show one example of him acting like that in the majors. He has actually been incredibly humble and mature, especially considering how much of a jackass most people are when theyre 19-21 years old.
OMGLOL STEROIDS!!! Oh wait, it's football so we don't care.
Was hoping that this story would reference Cole Hamels plunking Bryce Harper in their first matchup, then offering a completely ridiculous explanation for it.
Anyone who isn't an organ donor by choice is an asshole.
It only looks that big because of the Mercator projection
Yea it's definitely the best place to get hit, but it's something that needs to be learned. No one is going to instinctively block something with their face, even if it has the most protection.
He knows all of this. However, he needs to at least pretend like he wants to keep the name, so when he does change it, he can make it seem like he was forced to. The fans direct all their anger at Goodell and libtards instead of the team, and they sell even MORE merchandise.
Would like to hear from some guys who played hockey goalie here re: the header save. I played lacrosse goalie and one of the first drills I had to do was throw my stick off to the side while the coach cranked shots at the top corners, and I had to block them with my facemask. Was probably the most effective drill I…
"These words are easy compared to spelling my own name"
Ha, they're all fat now.
Has a lot to do with some huge government facilities going up there too. US Dept of Transportation for example.
One thing I've noticed is that everyone has double hung windows but doesn't know how to use them. Ever notice how the top sash is also on a track? Assuming your lazy painter didn't paint it shut, pull it down when you pull the lower sash up. Breeze comes through the lower opening and heat escapes through the top…
One can dream
I guess its neat to have all of these at my disposal, but it's pretty useless without "SCARR!" or his patented general scream before he knows whether a shot is in or not.
After a second look, I think he was just about to go low for the tackle, but then when he realized he wasn't going to get there, he tried to stay as high as possible to make the save and it became this awkward flying kick motion. You can tell when he's getting close to the ball that he's starting a sliding motion but…