Movie executives regularly prove they don’t know who they’re movie audiences are, and what they want.
Movie executives regularly prove they don’t know who they’re movie audiences are, and what they want.
It’s like it’s saying “Golden De Lorean—The Motion Picture K-Car.”
Is there the possibility that other issues could be involved, but nobody wants to talk about that except to say, “Oops”?
OMG, those eyes. Those sets of eyes.
“The future is the past, the past is the future. It all gives me a headache.”
Gowron’s dead. Matthews said it had to be a living leader still in office.
Sadly, NPR fell for the lie as well:
Please don't share this with conservative Republican lawmakers; it will only further confuse them.
Maybe not so much a video for the end of the world, but for an end to capital-J Journalism.
I was merely making an observation that you have a ship of questionable strategic value, and now you're going to have a bigger, more complicated and more expensive version of a ship of questionable strategic value. To me, it just seems someone is being taken advantage of. That's all.
I only know from what I read in the mainstream press; you seem to be more knowledgeable. I read about weapons systems the Pentagon doesn't want by Congress votes on. Defense contracts spread out across as many congressional districts as possible to garner votes (Congress' and the public's). Bulky weapons systems that…
...and from what little I know about it, it's not been "protected" so much as exploited, usually for political and shareholder gain. That's the way to defend a country.
" ...protecting America's fledgling shipbuilding industry..."
Since when do we hand out awards for people just doing their jobs?
Starting with the first gay actor who passed for a straight man on film.
Well, don't she sound uppity, some white folk would think.
@Phil Fish, give up if you're not passionate about what you want to do. But if—not matter what others say about you, no matter what you've done (or said before)—if you can't help but do what you want to do, what you feel compelled to do, then don't give up.
Me talk pretty one day.
I thought this blog was about science and science fiction. Can't you keep the political crap on Gawker instead of labeling it "social science"?
In the war on hurricanes, if you're not with us, you're against us.
So, "Alien" set inside a Public Storage. Be afraid.