
"Test pilot for pies." I love that line. I'd like to be a test pilot for pies, too. And a test pilot for pizza. And strawberry cheesecake. Adele is happy with who she doesn't need to justify herself to anyone. Test pilots have confidence and skill. We should all be so lucky to be test pilots.

As someone who admittedly drinks the Apple Kool-Aid in all its flavors (iMac, iPhone, iPad, iCloud ever since it was ".Mac"), I say, "welcome."

What happened to Venus and what it would entail in terraforming Venus sound eerily familiar. How do we know someone isn't terraforming Earth?

Well, would explain Chris Brown.

Thank you, quezz. That was exactly the point I thought I was making about Montalban.

Ricardo Montalban was born in Mexico City. There are many people in this country who would argue that that makes him not white.

"That's the thing about faith... If you don't have it, you can't understand it. If you do, no explanation is necessary." —Kira Nerys

Disney should hire this guy, and fire the department responsible for the John Carter debacle. The movie is actually more fantastic than it is a flop. Better than "Avatar," if that's saying anything. Even the actors in it knew "John Carter" was going to fail because the marketing people didn't know what to do with the

Honestly, does anyone think of Viagra as a procreative aid?

Fair enough. Then how about an Arizona law that restricts the use of VIAGRA TO MARRIED MEN ONLY who wish to procreate, and that they will provide child support if their Viagra-enhanced sex (WITH THEIR MARRIED, OPPOSITE-GENDER SPOUSE) results in a pregnancy. Why else should society endorse sex drugs for horny guys?

That was EXACTLY what it sounds like was being described.

Fascinating, but I'm not sure how this is different from the space elevator, or if this is an updated version of that concept. This sounds like a more fleshed out version. Interesting how the space elevator was touted as theoretical possibility until the advent of the shuttle. With the shuttle gone and the U.S.

Nevermind Weyland's messianic maniacal message, what most disturbed me is that even TED has now succumbed to product placement.

It's fantastic to learn about all the micro-ecosystems on Earth and how they give us insight—and hope—for other planets.

What do you expect from a former drug addict? He is recovered, right?

Not that I side with him at all, but to quote Rush Limbaugh, "I'm a member of PETA— People for the Eating of Tasting Animals." Meat is mmmmmmmm... delicious.