Pink Sox Nation

If these subsidies were so important, why weren’t they added in the original ACA when the Democrats held both houses of congress? By signing an Executive Order mandating the payment by the federal government, President Obama created law. Executive Orders can tweak existing law, but they can’t change the laws.

The cost-sharing subsidies were declared unconstitutional because only the House of Representatives can originate spending bills, not the President. Not Trump. Not Bush. Not Clinton. And certainly not Obama. So, Hannah, are you going to correct your article, or do your lies stand for themselves?

Welcome to the 21st century. No wonder we killed them all and stole their land and slaughtered their buffalo. Stupid Indians. Wait...wut??? Wrong Indians? Never mind.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! She named herself after a shitty cell phone! What a dumb ass!

Jac and Do’s in Findlay, Ohio. My original pizza love and the one I compare all others to. Thin soggy crust, salty sauce, too much grease, and canned mushrooms. There’s a reason it’s called Crack and Hos. It’s just that good.


Now that The Shield is back, does this mean we can stop seeing those stoopid Tea Pot commercials? Good god, that kid is fucking annoying and would someone please tell that dipshit mail lady to just do her fucking job and stop eavesdropping on private citizens’ daily lives? FUCK!!!! I need a nap.

Do you guys remember when Obama asked people to report their friends, neighbors, and family members for being against Obamacare? Good times.

Will your next article be about the members of Congress who accepted money from NARAL and Planned Parenthood and sat back and watched as millions of babies were murdered? Asking for a friend.

What she’s doing is no doubt against the law, but based upon the photos I’ve seen of her, I sure wouldn’t mind getting a nice long look at where it all comes from.

Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie Sanders supporter. Just thought I’d remind everyone of that little tidbit since you so conveniently forgot to. Next time, try not to be such a partisan hack, princess.

Try me. I’d be happy to discuss any part of the constitution with you. Just promise not to call me a cocksucker and we’ll get along great.

Machine guns are NOT legal in Nevada. It has been illegal to own a fully automatic weapon since the 1930s without paying a massive tax and all transactions involving fully automatic weapons are heavily regulated. But hey..why wait til the bodies get cold to start making political points, right?

This isn’t Hollywood. Silencers don’t make rifles and handguns go “pfft” and “pew pew pew”. Sorry to ruin your narrative, but facts don’t care about your feelings.

Good for them. I hope they are happy together for years. However, I have to say that the German language is one of the least romantic languages ever conceived and the thought of two men trying to be sexy and passionate while making guttural grunts and “ach” and “schnell” makes my sense of romance curl up in a corner

The CHIP was swallowed up by Obamacare regulations. It is a redundant program that no longer is needed. Stop being such hacks and do some actual reporting.

I’m as conservative a person that you’ll ever see here on this website, but I don’t care if you wear a pink tutu and shoot a Roman candle out yo’ ass during the national anthem. Your decision to kneel, silently protest, sit, or whatever does not make the anthem any less important to me or make the flag any less

This is pretty funny. Women are pissed off at an industry that has for years told us in fly over country that we are all sexists, homophobes, transphobes and all around horrible people. All this time, it was Hollywood that was fucking these women around? The irony is delicious.

Beyoncé gave birth at the Hurricane Relief Concert? Man, I really thought that would have been bigger news.

San Fran Nan was confused. She saw all of those DREAMers coming and thought, “What’s going on? I only have one bathroom and a small lawn. What else will I have these dirty Mexicans do?”