Pink Sox Nation

When, arguably, the greatest player in women’s tennis history would get trounced 6-0, 6-0 by the number 200 man in the world, there is no equality. Male players and female players don’t face the same competition and don’t have to win as many sets in a major to claim the championship. Andy Murray needs to stop virtue

I used to be a Juvenile Corrections Officer with the state of Ohio and I was personally responsible for overseeing young men convicted of sex crimes. In Ohio, in order for a youth to be considered “rehabilitated” after committing a sex crime, he has to complete a sexual abuse “program” and counseling. If this kid

Please explain how this boondoggle will be paid for. When California and Vermont have both rejected similar measures at the state level because they were so outrageously expensive, how do you think that we can afford it on a federal level?

Oklahoma kicked our asses. Plain and simple.

Let us all know when the ACLU files a lawsuit to let diabetics, schizophrenics, and hemophiliacs all be allowed to enlist as well.

So fucking what if Sonja, LuAnn and Ramona all voted for Trump? They were in New-fucking-York, a state Hillary carried in a landslide. I would have been more pissed off if they had voted in Wisconsin or Michigan.

What I’m most concerned about here is that they are charging $1050 for a bottle of tequila. Are you fucking kidding me?

So, basically Beyoncé is collaborating with a man?

Okay...so suppose we tear down all of these statues erected in honor of the Confederacy. What’s next? Burning books praising them? Exhuming their bodies to parade them around and spit on them? Do we destroy Mount Rushmore because Washington and Jefferson are on it? How about the FDR Memorial? He ordered Japanese into

As legal counsel for Mr. Lunt, former quarterback for the Illini, I am writing to demand that you cease and desist form any further characterizations of my client’s performance as anything less than stellar. Henceforth, all future references to Mr. Lunt shall include the following phrase: “Lunt, who may very well be

Yes, I do remember that happening. IIRC, Richard Lewis laughed it off as the joke it was, but Ohio State basically crucified that kid.

Oh, noes!!!! Are all of you fucking cosplay assholes gonna stop watching Marvel movies? Fuck no, you’re not! And you’re going to keep on making the Kochs richer and richer. I love it!

Damn! They’re just getting divorced? I had “Murder/Suicide” in the Tom and Luann “End of the Line” pool.

Sorry, but Drumpf never lied about serving in Vietnam. So he was a pussy and didn’t go. At least he didn’t piggy back on those that did and use it to get elected. Richard Blumenthal stole his valor. Drumpf doesn’t have any.

Where the ever-loving fuck is Liam Neeson when you need him?!?!?!?!

The lesson? Actions have consequences.

Hey! Isn’t that the evil monkey from the new Planet of the Apes movie?

He’s so bad at it? Really? I’m not seeing #TrumpIsBullyingCNN trending. Trump (and I hate to say it) is kicking CNN’s ass.

All elections, even for federal office, are run by the states and this is as it should be. No state should give any voter information to the federal government. The feds, whether under a Republican or Democratic administration, cannot be trusted.

Penn State needs to look on the Brightside...at least there weren’t any molested kids in the story about a former defensive coordinator.