Those damn Mennonites. They’re the reason the Swedes can’t have anything nice.
Those damn Mennonites. They’re the reason the Swedes can’t have anything nice.
And swarthy men of Middle Eastern descent between the ages of 22 and 36 go through the TSA checkpoint at your local airport, but the 80-year old woman is stopped and frisked. This is the government in action. It has never made sense and it never will.
Not sure how everyone else feels, but I am totally cool with seeing the little racists-in-training suffocate because they used plastic bags. The thought of seeing the countryside littered with the corpses of kids who will never grow up to be racist pieces of shit warms my heart.
Halle Berry won because she was actually in a movie that wasn’t a piece of shit. Should she have won for her stunning portrayals in such heavyweight masterpieces like B.A.P.S., The Flintstones, The Last Boyscout, or Swordfish? She really needs to get over herself and learn to pick better roles. There’s a reason Denzel…
And, yet, you still can’t beat him. That’s gotta hurt.
I don’t live off your taxes, shitweasel. I have a job, my wife has a job and we pay for our own shit. We hate you more than you will ever hate us.
I have a job. I paid full price for my Newtown dead kid bones. I don’t want your welfare and I certainly wouldn’t expect you to pay for me.
#HeIsYourPresident #GetOverIt #NelsonMuntzLaugh #DemocratsCannotWin
Yes. And we want to sit on thrones made from the bones of dead children. In fact, I have one right now made from the Newtown kids.
Don’t worry. We hate you, too.
Keep looking. It’s on the way.
I apologize for going off topic, but is anyone else having issues with seeing the comments? My comments get blocked by some damn Taboola ad and I can’t see what people have written. Any suggestions?
Rumplestiltskin? Rutebaga? Rowboat? Because unless we are willing to alter society’s notion that only whites can be racist, then the DREAMer illegal immigrant can’t be racist, so therefore, no hate crime.
The perp was an illegal alien, not an American. Sorry to disappoint you. Not really sorry, though.
Americans are fine. It’s the DREAMers and assorted illegal aliens that are the issue in this case.
“Yes!!!!!! He voted for a bill that I don’t like and isn’t even law yet!! Fuck him!!!!” You’re a fucking scumbag.
I’m all for second chances and, Lord knows, I’ve had a lot of them. But this dude molested a six year old kid. I don’t care what anyone else says, when you’re 14 or 15 years old, you fucking know better! Ban him from ever playing baseball for a living. Sick fuck.
Well played. I would have to agree.
Gee, I seem to recall a rodeo clown in Missouri wore a Barack Obama mask during a rodeo and the crowd booed. The media went absolutely fucking nuts for two weeks and the entire nation was exposed to the racism that is America. The rodeo clown was fired, had to go to sensitivity training, and had his life threatened so…
Maybe it’s the way the light is hitting his eyes, but the guy on the right looks like is totally asking for it.