Yes, I realize that now. No excuse.
Yes, I realize that now. No excuse.
You’re right. No excuse.
I figure it’s much like Jack Nicholson’s character in As Good As It Gets and that he that he thinks like a man and then takes away logic and rationality.
He went in a tight end, but is now a wide receiver.
I won’t hold my breath waiting. Fucking hack.
When you've lost the ACLU...
If UCB wants to limit speech, that’s their purview. Just like if you stand up in a boardroom and declare that the president of your company is a fucking asshole, you cannot be prosecuted for it but you sure as shit can be fired for it. UCB is fine to decide who speaks there, but if you want to call yourself the home…
Milo was invited by a student organization to speak. No matter your or my opinion of him, the students who paid for the hall, security and the speaker himself have the right to hear the speaker and Milo has the right to speak his bullshit. You can’t be halfway on the First Amendment. Either ALL speech is protected or…
Piss on Eddie Shore! Piss on Old Time Hockey!
Here’s another one of Uncle Joe playing warrior. You guys are a fucking joke.
Yeah, because no other VP in history ever tried to look bad-ass by wearing a military jacket. Asshole.
Of course he said no to playing golf with Trump. He still hasn’t learned how to swing a golf club with his new tits.
With hang time like that, he should have been a punter.
“One of the most depressing things about the last year, for women, has been to realize that no matter how far a woman climbs in her career, she will never command the same amount of respect as a man. We saw it when Hillary Clinton lost to an old guy who doesn’t have a brain, again when Elizabeth Warren was silenced by…
You do realize that Pence’s first Lieutenant Governor was a woman, right?
The stadium does not have a roof, so it should be called either Kiddie Diddler Stadium or Kiddie Diddler Field.
The Old Testament contains horrific abuse and directives delivered from a vengeful and angry God. The New Testament, however, flips that on its head and delivers guarantees of redemption and forgiveness from an ever-loving God through His son, Jesus Christ. Christianity underwent the reformation that changed the way…
You are so worried about women, yet your religion allows for the stoning of women for having the temerity to go to school, read, be seen in public without a male relative or getting raped. You are a follower of a religion that allowed a Malaysian woman to get publicly whipped 23 times, all in the name of morality.…
Five years? I give it five months before one of them is dead and the other is in jail.
My wife and I only want to see Tom and Katie get married so we can watch the inevitable murder/suicide to follow. These two morons deserve each other and all the pain and anguish they can heap on one another. Fuck them both.