
The reaction of the Trayvon cultists was just shocking to me. They were all perfectly fine with Trayvon beating the hell out of George Zimmerman for a perceived slight. "He was standing his ground.", they say—-but against WHAT? Being followed? Newsflash—-it's not OK to suckerpunch someone and then sit on his chest and

He's holding it by the barrel shroud, the sole purpose of which is to prevent the user from burning himself.

Political correctness was beginning to creep in at that time. If Hollywood made a movie that depicted gangs accurately, you'd have a movie where Charles Bronson spent 90 minutes killing black people—-and that would meet with protests.

My FB feed is filled with people who are doing those stupid mud runs. Seems like fun—-you mean I get to eat animal feces AND ruin a perfectly good pair of shoes?

The problem with Crossfit is their insistence on high rep powerlifting movements. Lifts like those are neurologically challenging, and doing them at high speed is asking for trouble.

He was never declared insane—-so there was no legal reason NOT to sell him the guns, and he passed all the qualifications California put forth. He had a background check, waited 10 days, and had a Handgun Safety Certificate.

Hey, fuck you. I don't have a problem with gay people at all. Gay people, for the most part, better society. They improve neighborhoods. Much of our art and culture has been made possibly by gay people—-Freddie Mercury and Elton John being ICONS of rock music, just to name two. Gays are excellent, for the most part.

No, they're not afraid. They don't like gay people, or don't agree with them—-but nobody quivers in fear of the gay people.

The word "homophobe" is frustrating. HomoPHOBE, roughly translated, means fear of sameness. If we take the HOMO part of that to be defined as homosexuals, that still leave the PHOBE part, which means one who is fearful.

And just what, exactly, would have prevented him from being able to buy a gun even IF having a restraining order showed up in the system? Do you think he couldn't buy one from someone other than an FFL holder? Do you think he couldn't manage to FIND one?

Um, no. Not unless you're an athlete.

Armstrong did what he had to do, and what any racer in his position would have done. Being upset at a TdF racer for using PEDs is like being upset at a pro bodybuilder for using steroids. There has NEVER been a drug-free TdF, and never will be.

Rafael Palmiero lied to CONGRESS. Not a pariah.

Athletes will do whatever it takes to win—-and that means using all the technology available.

You can't stop it. No one has ever been able to stop it. Ever. In any sport. Ever.

Yet Michael Vick likely wouldn't have been hired at McDonald's with his multiple felonies—-but sports fans flock to him.

Lance Armstrong met his ex-wife AFTER HE WAS DONE WITH CANCER.

Again, was he supposed to confess and throw his entire team under the bus? Of course not.

It's not "cheating" if everybody is doing it. It's maintaining an even playing field. Cycling has used PEDs since its inception—-it's just that the methods changed.

What was he going to do? Fess up?