
It's not "ex-Marine". It's "former Marine".

Oh yes, the last cry of the desperate brainwashed liberal——using the "ignorant racist" tag. There's a problem with that, however——-POSTING FACTS TO BACK UP MY STATEMENTS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF IGNORANCE. Showing that there is an irrefutable connection between a lack of white people in an area and that area's

Cocke County, TN had 5 murders in 2013. Five. That's two hours on a Chicago Friday night on the South Side.

She's pretty busy with "Longmire".

You're wrong. You're making things up.

It's awfully funny how dirt poor white people in Appalachia(or in any given trailer park nationwide) aren't engaged in genocidal self-destruction.

The poor in this movie turn on each other first. That's much like what happens in the inner city with black people. Black people bitch and moan about how they're discriminated against and kept down by whitey, but they don't turn their violence outward. No, they kill each other.

Ugandans are savage Negro beasts. They're not human, therefore your example doesn't count.

So, they're outlier savages. Doesn't change the fact that FGM is primarily a Muslim act.

Are they cutting off clitorises? Stoning rape victims?

Facts are stupid?

No, they DON'T. There are no clitoridectormies of women and stoning of gays performed by Christian regimes.

Fuck those Muslim savages. Kill them all.

I side with Israel because they're a modern, civilized nation which practices a religion which does not call for forcible conversion to a religion which subjugates women, hates gays, and beheads their enemies.

You see, fuckwit, when you say what you said, it's necessary to, oh, I don't know——DISPROVE MY STATEMENT WITH FACTS.

Your statement implies that one day technology will provide us with a workforce to do those unpleasant tasks—-robots of some sort.

I do not understand why some people think they have a right not to be offended.