
Neighbor at mid-tier ACC school in college was backup long snapper, but was still on scholarship. By living off campus, he got a check for $2500/month for "rent" to supplement what he gave up by not living on campus. 30k/year, tax free, which did not include free books, team meals, ect, and totally legal from a

Can't stand 'cat people' but I'm assuming you tolerate 'dog people'?

This is a cheap marketing ploy to generate attention from the media. Sales will tank and fall even further. The original Cap will return in a year or so.

I m sure Sam Wilson will do fine as he fills in for Cap {we all know Rogers will be back by the time Avengers 2 and Cap 3 roll around} I do however worry about his health ,unless he is getting some sort of enhancement ,he is going to have a rough time , most all of the men who have worn the Cap suit had a shot of

Keep making excuses for Hamas and holding them to much, much lower standards. They made a children's show that teaches hatred to kids? Hey, no big deal! They're angry people!

Just because a talking point is old, it doesn't make it untrue.

Paving asphalt melts between 132 degrees and 175 degrees (Celsius).

Al? Al Gore? Has anyone been able to find him? No? Oh, I see, he's jetting around the world in his own private jet-feuled plane, then taking a fleet of 20 or so 8 MPG SUVs to his next function, before he flies back to his 45,000 square foot home. Well, once he gets back can someone ask his opinion about this?

Yellowstone is 1000s of acres with driving access to very little of it. Humans have access to a small fraction of the park. Get out of your house and visit our national parks and you will see that they are VERY well cared for with a minimal amount of human access.

It's easy to say "You don't you are beautiful" when your wife is a supermodel. Also if I know I'm beautiful does that mean I don't deserve love? Fuck this trend, musicians staaap!

According to the CDC, Males who have sex with males (MSM) make up only 4% of the male population, but make up 78% of new HIV cases among males, and 63% of all new HIV cases.

Humility isn't in this guy's vocabulary.

camden, nj.... wait.... nope

Therefore, having a black majority and black city government is worse for your city than a nuclear disaster or an atomic bomb being dropped on it (compare modern Detoilet with Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Yes. Ten bucks an hour. Basically it goes down like this...

Afro-American Studies program prepares student to be lazy, rely on others for assistance. Still verifying reports of out-of-wedlock child birth seminar

Because black male in his 20s last seen wearing a hoodie wasn't a fucking joke before the watermelon skittle trippin bitch got shot. Jesus christ, you whiny bitches.

Hey fuck face, how is the Ram driver a retard? He is the only one who did anything to stop this freak.

You win. The United States is tougher for women(although women live longer and are statistically much happier than men). I wonder why women live longer? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's acceptable for women to stay home and not work, while that is not acceptable for men. See you gals at the cole

Hip hip hooray,ges" she faced and kept a promise to a friend with a criminal record and who got shot after attacking the neighborhood watch ( never mind t hat Trayvon was utilizing the Florida "Stand your ground" doctorine that his shooter was criticized for using in his own defense). Here's your Taco Bell uniform and