
I went to public school. Boys were allowed no facial hair, had to wear socks, no shorts, belts were required, and shirts had to be tucked in.

Yes, how DARE a black principal try to prepare students to succeed in society.

Lance Armstrong got screwed. The man was a national hero—-overcame nearly dying from cancer, raised millions for cancer research, inspired millions of people, and because he did EXACTLY THE SAME THING as everybody in his sport, he's a pariah.

Now playing

You don't have the same population as the US does.

Now playing

No, I'm pretty sure THIS is the worst of our country. These nice fellows are GTO(Goons Taking Over, a Birmingham, AL gang). Why are they so upset? Because one of their fellow gang members tried to run over a cop when his heroin deal went sour, and was shot and killed.

Are there rainbows and fairies in this fantasy land? OF COURSE everyone would rather live in an environment where deadly force was never needed. I'd also like to live in a world where cheeseburgers have no calories and housepets live forever, but that's not reality....

Thank you. It's like when Angelina Jolie was in "Salt". She's too scrawny for me to believe she's actually hurting people when she fights.

Read and learn.

No, plenty of men don't like big girls. You may like them, but there's an equally, if not larger portion of the population who find obesity repugnant.

Or if you espouse right-leaning viewpoints on a college campus. The right does not have a monopoly on crushing free speech....

My mom and dad always worked, and my mom found time to cook a meal every night. She got home after 5 and dinner was always around 630 or 700. It's doable.

Yet people CONTINUE EATING GARBAGE. Seriously, it's not difficult to avoid all the artificial products——the standard advice is to just shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Learn to cook. Eat real food. If your kitchen has a George Foreman grill, a crock pot, and a rice cooker, you can cook practically anything.

Thanks for writing that. I had the run of our small town from the time I was about 10 or so——I always had a wristwatch and was told to be home by the time my mom got home from work(dad was a cop and worked nights, so it was best I was out of the house so he could sleep). I rode my bicycle all over town, visited

Wow. Not only does she not only know his name, she doesn't get anything right. Martin was not "wrongly accused of committing a crime and ultimately killed because of the color of his skin". Trayvon Martin was killed because he decided to beat the shit out of someone who had a gun and defended himself. Period.

Thanks for saying that. My $35 Koss Porta-Pros sound better than Beats. Grados of all price levels sound better than Beats, too.

I wear a Merrell barefoot shoe to lift in. It's not a toe shoe, it's just a running shoe with a very flat minimalist sole. I can't imagine running in them, but they're great for squatting and deadlifting.

Weights? No, bad idea. Allowing prisoners to become huge and strong makes the guards' jobs more difficult.

But Gabourey Sidibe has it so much easier than other food addicts in that she can afford to have her diet strictly controlled. She lives in LA—-she could have any number of healthy meals delivered to her door by one of the multitude of businesses who do that. She could also easily afford a trainer. Hell, I'm sure

She is an unrepentant addict like both of them, blissfully unware of the damage she's doing to herself.