
Sure. No one group is monolithic in their beliefs. I have gay neighbors who say they don't care or want to get married at all....

Not all gays care about, or want to get married.

Everybody seems to think Republicans are some monolithic anti-gay group. They're not. Gays have far more to fear from blacks and Latinos than a bunch of white rednecks.

My gay cousin and his boyfriend just moved to Houston. Apparently they integrated into the booming gay scene—-and there are even gay country bars.

If she keeps it up, she'll be hot for a long time.

A woman at my gym has three kids, a full-time job as a physical therapist, and is training for a physique competition. She's an inspiration.

People act like they have no free time, but people sure seem to know what happened on The Walking Dead every week. Everybody has time to work out. If you have time to post on Jezebel or watch TV, you have time to work out.

I was a personal trainer for a while, and doing that job actually reduces your time available to work out. If you have clients all day long, it's not like you can get a workout in.

I go to the gym at 430 AM, 5 days a week. I thought I was dedicated, until I met the woman who's training for a physique contest. She's 35, at least, has three kids, a full time job, and gets to the gym at 4AM to do her workout. She looks great, is super fit, and still manages her family and puts food on the table.

She should not be given a platform. Impressionable fat girls are looking at her, reading the Jezebel article raving about her "strength and bravery", and telling themselves if it's OK for her to be that big then it's OK for them.

I work in health care in a primarily retiree area. The average age of my patient is probably 70. I see lots of old smokers, old obvious drinkers—-but I see very few massively obese people who make it to advanced age. Being fat is the worst thing you can do if you want to live a long, productive live. Being a little

Being obese is a result of behaviors which will inevitably end in poor health, so it's EXACTLY like being an anorexic. Do you think mentally balanced, totally happy people eat themselves into her size? If you read her speech, she clearly says "cookies never yell at you", or something like that. So she uses food as her

No, people who are junkies and alcoholics do not deserve to be celebrated.

"Threatened"? No. She's a self-destructive addict, and she should not be held up as some paragon of virtue because she became somehow comfortable with her self-destructive addict behavior.

She's no different than Charlie Sheen, when he was cracked out and spouting nonsense about "Tiger Blood".

You are out of your fucking mind. What about a junkie? An out of control alcoholic? If someone is putting themselves forward as "being confident and overcoming ridicule" for their self-destructive behaviour, that behaviour is absolutely fair game.

Would you say that about an anorexic?

I will never understand the glorification of the willfully self-destructive morbidly obese in feminist circles. Gabourey Sidibe is killing herself just as assuredly as if she were an anorexic or a junkie, but for some reason feminists seem to be impressed when someone "owns their obesity". It's strange.

No, a gun's only purpose is to fire projectiles. There are items whose only purpose is to kill or injure—-they're called chemical and biological weapons.

No, go fuck YOURSELF, you easily led stupid motherfucker.