
Let's see——is he refusing to hire black players? No. Is he refusing to sell tickets to black customers? No. He had a fight with his girlfriend about who she brought to the games. Is that illegal? Not in the slightest.

And that is why this story is going to disappear every so quickly. The media ran with it not knowing Sterling was Jewish.

It actually sold a lot of copies—-1.5 million copies—-but Atari made something like 3 million, and once word got out about how bad the game was, they were screwed.

So, when "Ender's Game" was in pre-release, there was a concerted effort by gay activists to boycott because of Orson Scott Card's personal beliefs. Bryan Singer is being accused of being a pedophile rapist, and has been revealed to be a very creepy and pedophilic(dressing like a Catholic priest and fucking boys who

How the hell do you get a job writing for a car website WHEN YOU DON'T RESEARCH THE SUBJECT OF YOUR ARTICLE? The Elio is NOT an electric car. It has a 3 cylinder gas engine.

What fucking gym do YOU go to? I've gone to gyms for decades, surrounded by people of all sizes, and I've never witnessed anyone being unkind to an overweight person. Not a single time. If anything, regular gym-goers tend to be open to any questions you might ask—-as a matter of fact the more in-shape the person, the

Go fuck yourself, you self-hating white girl.....

If your avatar is you, you're pretty white. You look like Roseanne. Go ahead and claim Native status, but you know there's a LOT of white in you.

No, you're a fucking moron, because you made a statement WHICH IS PATENTLY UNTRUE. You live in a town you claimed was majority black AND safe, and statistics prove that untrue. When faced with that reality, you backpedaled and said "whites commit the majority of violent crime" in your town, and THAT is patently untrue.

You throw that word around like it means something. When I can back up my statements with unassailable truth, and you can't back yours up with anything, you lose. Your opinion is based on your personal feelings, which makes it worthless.

Urban Meyer didn't exactly run a clean program either. Hell, it's possible Aaron Hernandez shot people while in school there....

Holding them to high academic standards will create a far better atmosphere than paying them. There are college football players across the country who can't read at an 8th grade level, and who get passed through school simply because they can play ball.

Yes, because there are scores of unsolved murders which go unsolved simply because white people look out for other white people. Wait, since most victims of white murderers are white people, that doesn't make sense. And since there aren't huge numbers of white people killing black people, and there ARE large numbers

Oh, now you've done it. Be prepared to be buried in "white people don't get arrested or convicted as much for the same crimes" and "the system is corrupt" whining from the braindead zombies....


Technically it's not a "pizza with fried chicken crust". Domino's is selling chicken topped with pizza toppings. That's a different thing.

I think not. How is peaceful, safe, multicultural Atmore again? Stabbings and shootings and violent crime above the national average, OH MY!

That was a great big pile of word salad and deflection. Could you possibly be any more pitiful?

1) "Squirrel Girl"? Look, thats a huge gamble on a project very few people are familiar with, and the only way it gets made is with a marquee name in the lead, not Lupita Nyong'o.

She will not be a big star. She's like the girl who starred in "Precious". She's not going to sell tickets—-too far removed from the Hollywood norm. Putting butts in seats is the name of the game, and, frankly, she's too dark skinned and ethnic for casting directors to gamble upon.