
“But, but what about the women showing cleavage?!”

Found the incel.

The subject at hand is not women who stream—in whatever form of dress they choose to stream. It is a particular behavior on the part of the individual responsible for the “Dr. Disrespect” character.

A behavior which, it should be noted, is not isolated.

Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

No need to pad the score against the Thai. 

Nah, your supposition is still solid. I guarantee this idiot doesn’t know the difference between a senator and a representative.

Sean Hannity is what happens when the smarmy asshole who insisted on wearing a tie to (public) high school every day (and declared himself “Captain” of the Debate Team, despite the team deciding internally that there would be no centralized leadership) somehow makes it to adulthood without ever getting decked.

I can’t stress enough how bad of a condition this poor kid must have been in. It’s really really rare for an otherwise healthy adolescent to be declared dead within 30 minutes of arrival in an emergency room. This is not like an 80 year old person with multiple medical problems, who make up the majority of heat stroke

All it takes to make alotta money is alotta money.

I mean, to be fair. She likely doesn’t know what jobs are.

I never signed the “No Body-Snarking” Pledge. I will continue to critique the outward appearance of people I find to be ugly on the inside. I’m sure yours won’t be the only “tut-tut” I receive.  I’m looking forward particularly to Richard’s.  

“There’s always going to be ridiculous people in the world” says John McCain’s ridiculous daughter.

The thing that gets me about this is that there’s literally no other scenario in the world where a dink like Stevens would do this to someone like Lowry who could clearly and easily kick the shit out of him. The only thing that lets someone like Stevens think he can get away with it is a lifetime of thinking that

Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!

Clover why u trolling. The comments will be great at least. Brie Larson, Amy Adams and Emma Watson can totally act, the rest of the list is correct. 

basically this makes him the Sammy Hagar of hip hop

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.


Counterpoint: This was and remains Good.

Truly the highest of the lowest bar. 

The box office of the human heart.

Like the Caliphates of the Ottoman Empire. As the Emperors of China. In the spirit of the Popes of old: we get to turn out back on sciences because conservative factions take over and we banish knowledge for the sake of appealing to the ignorant to keep the corrupt in power.