
I’d like to lower that wealth cap but it's a start haha. 

its almost as if impossibly old and rich people cannot truly grasp the do or die fight that we are engaged in.

Nah. Nixon, for all his faults, was actually quite intelligent and was actually interested in public service. Not saying what he did was great, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid for it. If Nixon had done what he did today, in our fractured hellscape of a US democracy nobody would have batted an

I was told this material would not be on the test today.

“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.

I hope that one day, future generations have to wonder what a payday loan place was and why we ever allowed them to be legal.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Hey, great. He and his fat lying puppet-head bitch of a daughter should go start a band. Then they should go kill themselves painfully.

100% this.

by telling the guy arguing “we cannot improve healthcare for all americans, in a way every other first world country already has, because that might negatively impact my vast wealth” to fuck off, op

When I was a stupid “edgy” teenager I chose a Marilyn Manson quote as my high school yearbook quote: “The people who hate you make it all worthwhile.” I’ve regretted the choice since, well, growing up basically.

This administration, meanwhile, seems to have made it their motto.

I still stand for that flag, for I am not a soyboi cuck

Melania looks like she’s trying to be a drag queen and failing hard at it.

People of vastly weak constitution and lacking moral character require religion to remain oblivious to, excuse, and gloss over their deep seeded faults.

I feel bad for people like this, tbh. Their blind belief in what they were told by know-nothings before they they became fully-formed people isn’t their fault. The perpetuation of ignorance in people, such as this poor soul, is an institutional poison laid out by the grifters and ratfuckers of the world.


First....go preach somewhere else. This isn’t the place for it.

Now playing

they got a Catholic Block inside their head it seems

Is this satire?

In general, I agree with what you’re saying, and that was my initial reaction to this article, too. The flip-side to that is asking ourselves whether we want to continue to accept such a low quality of life standard from jobs as a “normal” life condition. That’s not to suggest that we fixate on some demand for