
*Chief's Fan's schadenfreude intensifies*

I hate the fact that rand paul’s neighbor couldn’t get the joystick combo right for the fatality when he had the chance to finish him.

“Obama started it! trump just put them in cages and started starving them to death”.  Go fuck yourself.

maybe those boxes are for apples

What was the soccer game they showed @ around :10?

I don’t get it.  We vote against our own interests because of racism and fear of....stuff that is more than likely ill defined but super duper scary.

The natural evolution will be hosting GOOP parties and MLM #bossbabe people going into eternal debt to buy GOOP merchandise to keep their purple vagina egg presenter status

He wasn’t king he was steward!

shut up dad.

Absolutely, just have him die fighting heroically against the dead, why bring him back to get got in such a stupid way.

Never steal from rich people.

That and the single camera tracking shot when Snow’s deep in the melee, the rush to get over the wall of bodies almost suffocating him as well.  This battle had some of the most intense scenes.  The payoff was “meh” but the actual battle is A++.


sweet, 15$ minimum in 2026 will be equal to 7.25$ in 2006.  Things are running just fine.

“Bill Shine indicted in the year 2021 for campaign finance violations, pardoned by president elect of the north american confederate shogunate donald trump

How many layers of veneers has she had?

This fucking face.....

He was an assistant at Houston and Texas A&M, and then became head honcho at his alma mater in 2013. In six seasons, he went an underwhelming 35-40 with one bowl victory in his debut year”


Hannibal: Ahh, Senator Flake, from the family name Flake which means to fold easily in the face of the slightest opposition...perhaps a better definition of “Flake” would be “gutless”? well let’s see, in or out?