
This sounds like someone just mashing their action figures together.

Not to worry, he has people, great people, to clean that up,for him. He has a “wipe boy” on staff who travels with him in addition to his regular, daily wipe duties.

Not to be confused with his “I’ve just lost control over my bodily functions”/Oops! I crapped my pants face

And systematically charging double the going top rate for any POTUS or POTUS staff travel. I’m sure it has been pointed out to him. Remember that the guy who was in charge of upholding ethics for the WH recently quit because he felt like he was slamming his head into a wall every day. Congress won’t call him on it

Am still confused as to how using the Trump hotels for Trump himself or for any guests he invites or has over isn’t considered a conflict of interest

“Why do I have to sit here with these cheese eating surrender monkeys, listening to their high school band when I have important golfing to get to? Even worse, I don’t even have a Trump hotel to stay at that I can overbill the government for. Sad! Being president sucks.”

I’ll reserve any feelings until I see a pile of heads.

People not only watch the show, but they’ll talk to you about it under the assumption that you’re quite familiar with it.

i just hope he uses that strength wisely - remember, your body only has a finite amount of energy that has to last your entire life.

Correction: Every woman who’s in the parking lot while he rounds up carts.

Man, could you imagine how many games he’d miss in a 162 game season?

Not to mention that Chelsea Clinton has a not-fake doctorate from not-fake Oxford University in global governance. I know G20 summits are not take-the-kids-to-work day, but damn, Chelsea!  

She burned him. She is more qualified to be a president then orange blobs clan.

Napoleon was also smart, interested in science and culture and a brilliant leader. Now I’m wondering, what on Earth do Bannon and Napoleon have in common apart from being bipedal carbon-based life forms?

“...gave our country away.” This fool projects so damn much that every tweet is tantamount to a confession.

Somewhat agreed. Like, what does he have to lose at this point? (Some weight, AMIRITE?)

Making fun of his weight is just picking low hanging fruit, which Christie would never touch, unless it’s covered in chocolate or filling a pie; because he’s a fatty fatty 2x4, can’t fit through the kitchen door.

Important to remember that McCain is an idiot and a liar. And that was before he became a feeble-minded coward.