
I’m actually ok with this because it’s the only way we’re going to get scientific research for space funded. Its not ideal, but the only way to get research funded nowadays is to tie it to military needs.

Good ol’ Rex Tillerson fronting for Enron. I bet Scott Pruitt rubbed one out a few times over the changes, then went and licked the spittle of his handlers in industry for some ear scratches.

I can’t wait until they let Baron run the army.

Lol, it doesn’t have a brain; it’s not suffering, but it is probably posting comments on kinja.

Didn’t we learn anything from the Krogan/Genophage?

“I’m telling you. I can make him do a cartwheel. Right here, right now.”

I’m so conflicted. As an American, I should be ashamed and depressed with how we’re currently viewed and treated globally, but it’s all worth it to watch the flickering neon Orange Crush sign that is DJT get pushed farther and farther out into the fringes. Europe can’t troll him enough and I eat it up like ice cream.

You just know Trump is fuming at his placement in the 2017 G20 class photo.

He doesn’t just have ridiculously absurd political views. He actively and knowingly works to harm innocent people for profit, and is often successful. And he will continue to do so if he lives.

I hope he pulls through, reassesses his life, and stops being evil.

All I know is that Saclise has supported policies that have made it easy for shootings like this to happen and have cost a lot of people their lives.

I hope he pulls through I guess.

Yeah... we are sure the money used to pay that “fine” came out of Trump’s pocket and not from one of his “charities.”

He had to pay a $25 million fine.

And POTUS ran a scam “university” and got ....what?

They flat out have been unable or unwilling to hire enough people to run the place. They’re trapped in a paranoia cycle where their own reluctance to hire anyone not personally loyal has limited their options until long after the time when people were willing to take the job and give things a chance. Coupled with

According to a report from Politico, it appears that the Trump administration has abandoned the White House Council on Women and Girls.

MSNBC is not a “liberal” or MSM network. It is Corporate Media. It is three hours of Republican Joe Covfefe every weekday. It is back to back episodes of ‘life behind bars’ a show dedicated to convincing you that everyone in prison is scary as hell, and its played back to back all the time.
At best it’s “a network