Richard Dawson's Ghost

Alex Jones was live during the verdict reading where he told his throng of sycophantic listeners: “Do these people actually think they’re getting any of this money?” Jones also called the verdict a “joke” and said he will appeal, adding he can “keep them in court for years.”

Man wait until they hear the phrase, “Trans-orbital insertion.”

Yep banks aren’t our friends, but they are FDIC insured.

I don’t know, I can’t see Charles as just an entitled prick. Sure he is, of course, but probably no more so than anyone else born to his position. This pen stuff though has solidified his image for me as an enormous weirdo. Like if Howard Hughes had been royalty. I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years he’s issuing

I agree - no payoff in that story whatsoever. I’m definitely not investing my time into a movie based on it from a guy who made “The Happening” (despite the fact Mr. Bautista once posed for a photo with my kids - love you, not the novel or the director).

How are you still alive?

Agreed, it was a tough book to get through, and in the end, there way no payoff, just a lot of pain.

I loved Head Full of Ghosts but Cabin drove me bonkers. It was like one of those classic sitcom episodes where everyone is misunderstanding each other but no one will say “everyone sit down and shut up and one of you start explaining”.

I agree with this. Tremblay came up with an intriguing premise on which he spectacularly failed to deliver. If a common knock against Shyamalan is his endings, this story will do him no favors — unless he changes the ending, which I think he almost has to do.

why am i not surprised this is the book Shaymalan chose to adapt

Same! I didn’t really like the book very much; it read very silly and got a bit preposterous as it went on. Buuuuuuut as a template for an M. Night movie...honestly, this could work really well. And Bautista looks great for the role. I think I’m in!

“The revolution will not be televised.”

Hit the nail on the head here, Nick. Jack Dorsey is going to make what we in the world generally refer to as a “Metric shit town of money,” and do anything he wants to, for the rest of his life.

Jack Dorsey will make $974 million dollars on this deal. Of course he’s gonna talk about this being a great idea.

I don’t blame him for doing something that we take as trivial.
The real problem is: South Florida traffic is an impossible jungle of madness that it requires a satanic sacrifice to be this deplorable.
For some odd reason, they will set up 4-5 lane road with a speed limit of 45 a goddamn residential area. So

So you’re telling me in that scene from Minority Report, Tom Cruise is just checking those guys’ temperatures?

“As Cool As Guy Fieri”

I mentionned 3 up top. Monopoly even had Ridley Scott attached at one point. Candyland had a movie announced in 2012 with Adam Sandler attached. Space Invaders was announced in 2018. Roller Coaster Tycoon in 2010. And I’m sure I could find/think of more but I’m too tired to bother. Still, 6 is not too bad.

Yeah, I’ll file this in the “Will definitely not happen” folder alongside the Monopoly movie, the Tetris trilogy, the Asteroid movie, and 75% of all other movie projects based on games that have next to zero narrative component.