Richard Dawson's Ghost

So you’ve never heard of a ball-peen hammer and a punch?
It might be a bit more difficult with double-walled tanks but definitely not out of the realm of possibility.

You could very easily achieve the same results in similar time with a good ‘ole hand drill or brace. Bonus being that they’re much quieter too.

I agree, there’s a panic here that is likely overinflated in the way local news tends to, but the fact it’s happening at all was pretty striking to me. I tried to find data on the actual prevalence of this crime nationwide, but it’s tough. Especially to compare it to what’s been going on over the last month.

I’m not sure this is the panic the cops make it out to be. Considering it’s Allentown, which I might add, has been loudly justifying their police budget for the last couple of weeks, I’m even more skeptical.

I was with you until the NP bit.

Those wheels and the stupid racing recovery hook tell me everything I need to know about the cars history and its owner, and that’s on top of it already being a 12yr old highly strung German car. 

That poor car. Hopefully someone else with zero taste will buy this.

Driven hard and put away wet. Those RIMS!!

Jeebus, those fuckin’ wheels! Tells me all I need to know about the seller. The car has been flogged and otherwise mistreated, vape fumes lingering in the upholstery, and 99% chance he wears a flat-billed hat. Massive No Dice!

That’s the post 2000 GOP, maybe post Nixon GOP even, in a nutshell. And it’s only getting more extreme with the rise of social media echo chambers. are harassing and threatening the lives of the very American people you claim to hold so dear.

Remember how much chest pounding right winger freaks did when BLM protesters blocked some freeways, mostly at night? Remember all the losers saying they would just run over protestors, or “i support their right to protest but they CANT block the roads”?

a 26 year-old land yacht for $22.5? these are indeed the end-times.

Yup. For the money it’s easy to find something that does not look like it was designed by some 10 year old with an attention deficit disorder. One ugly car here.

The wheels are a big deal breaker for me. The red and too much lip, not enough dish. I see what theyre trying to do, it was a valiant effort, but it was a swing for the fences that just went foul of the pole. 

Even if you are a collector with unlimited funds to spend on a car, aren’t there much better, more iconic cars to have at this price point? If so, who would buy this?

It felt like a lot longer than just a week. I didn’t even have the time to grow my beard out, à la David Letterman.

Thank you

Did some reading. Romani isn’t the right term either. That’s an ethnic group of people that mainly live in Romania.