Richard Dawson's Ghost

You seem very well adjusted.

Man you sure did write a whole lot I’m not going to read.

The US should just seize the resources and nationalize Starlink. They paid for the research to make it possible anyway.

Explain to me how a multi-billionaire who made his wealth largely via government contracts and actively influences government through bribes (sorry “campaign donations”) is not an oligarch.

“cislunar space”

Look I’m not telling you what happens but whatever you think the worst possible answer is, it’s that.

Hello! I logged back into my Kinja account for the first time in months because I felt compelled to relate how much I absolutely hated Paul Tremblay’s The Cabin at the End of the World.

Man, remember when Cracked was actually good?

It’s good that they corrected it, but they made no note of doing so, which makes everyone in the comments look crazy.

Indianapolis was actually presumed to be a fairly high priority target for nuclear targeting during the Cold War because of Fort Benjamin Harrison. Fort Ben housed the Defense Finance and Accounting Service which processed pretty much all of the money for the US military.

Indianapolis was actually presumed to be a fairly high priority target for nuclear targeting during the Cold War because of Fort Benjamin Harrison. Fort Ben housed the Defense Finance and Accounting Service which processed pretty much all of the money for the US military.

Kevin Perjurer’s deep dive series are so incredibly good.

That set was an absolute travesty.

I absolutely loathe Vladimir Putin, and this is no way meant to be taken as praise for the man, but that dude would absolutely break Elon Musk in half in a fight.

Thanks, I hate it.

This is what I come back to after leaving for a week? The world’s ugliest Lambo?

Man profitable might be a stretch at this point.

Actually... uh... of the Gizmodo blogs, only The Root has had anything of substance posted today.

The entire group, to the best of my understanding.

Seriously I was just thinking the same thing and couldn’t think of where to comment about it. Just yesterday I say this is the only reason I come here, and now it’s just not here. What a shit show.