Richard Dawson's Ghost
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Neat, but unnecessary. Like, Kevin Perjurer did a phenomenal job on recapping Henson’s life, warts and all. I’m good.

Isn’t it also time to stop incessantly repeating that boring post, then?

Wait, what? Jeff Schwartz, not Ron Burgundy???

Wait, what? Jeff Schwartz, not Ron Burgundy???

...only if we start to believe that. Pressure and time together create change. Give up on either and “absolutely nothing is going to happen.”

In the past four decades, the official legal defense of every single politician has becomeI am an illiterate idiot who possesses absolutely no long-term memory.

From the WaPost article:

The problem is, he’s such an idiot, it’s hard to tell when he’s actually an idiot or just pretending to be one to cover up his crimes.

I believe him on this one. I’m sure he’s sufficiently stupid to not know the term “burner phone”. I’m also sure he used them, and I’m sure he didn’t get that hole in one. 

Even liars tell the truth sometimes when it suits them

Broken clocks are right twice a day.

Their echo chamber is loud, but embarrassingly tiny.

not these truckers.  the ones who delivered my TP, yes.  these guys were busy masturbating to Trump videos.

You are assuming facts not in evidence: that these truckers, specifically, were the majority of those transporting toilet paper and other sundries during the pandemic.

it’s always so funny to watch when right wing nutjobs are confronted with the fact that the general populace is not on their side

This look much better than the last official DeLorean set. I mean, ugh...

... can’t beat that comment.

I always laughed: it’s not like you couldn’t see the X from the ground... maybe put a bookshelf across the center... or a carpet... or... anything?

Was it under a big X the whole time?