Richard Dawson's Ghost

Romani. The term you used is a racial slur.

Oh, Mr. Fancy over here, doing a very basic level of reporting that the actual reporter couldn’t even bother to do.

“Here go them Duke boys again.”

I really hope this whole Ukraine thing completely blows up in Putin’s face. It’s definitely looking that way as Russia’s economy is in absolute shambles after less than a week.

Well, Rory’s out too, so that’s something.

I think Mercedes is definitely the best writer they have on their core staff now, or at least the most Jalop writer left.

Oh, I meant to say in my comment. Rob, NPOND is legitimately the only reason I come to Jalop now.

I just... I can’t bring myself to approve of an oughts American car with over 100k miles for $17k. I legitimately don’t care what car it is. No dice.

As I understand it, that’s just the nature of rotary engines. And really a lot of Japanese engines from that era which really had to be revved hard to get much power.

Oh look, more absolutely fucking terrible ideas from Tesla.

Look, as soon as I see a rotary engine, particularly one as plagued with issues as the RX-8 mill, I’m already leaning no dice.

You seem really angry and I honestly don’t understand why. I do, however, understand why you were grey.

Here in my mid-sized midwestern metro, we got a pretty substantial snow storm preceded by an inch or so of ice a couple weeks ago. The city straight up didn’t plow at all until the snowfall stopped the next day. It was a whole ass mess.

You can only do that if you’re white. Then you get at least a two week pass.

Okay y’all know I’m not one to defend Tesla, but in this case I’m not surprised. Everybody struggles with roads like that.

I wasn’t being condescending? I was genuinely explaining the idiom because it’s a little obtuse for a lot of people, because both reap and sow aren’t really commonly used terms anymore.

3rd Gear: I seriously hope the SEC brings the hammer down over this stupid bullshit. But realistically, the SEC “hammer” is a $100 million fine that Musk would laugh at.

I’m gonna buy one and turn it into a mobile vaccine center.