Richard Dawson's Ghost

My parents still have bags and bags of Beanie Babies in a closet at their house.

So are the arrest protestors going to have to pay back the $500 million in lost revenue they helped cause?

Oof, that paint loss is absolutely painful, especially since it still had reasonable serviceable original paint.

And after they get scammed, they’ll condescendingly tell you all about how you’re missing out on free money in the crypto market.

I really genuinely hate this shit so much. It’s such an obvious grift, and I don’t know who I hate more: the people who understand it’s a grift but are okay conning other people, or the dipshit doops who think they’re doing everyone a favor by preaching about it.

If you’re still looking for a GPU, just enter the Newegg Shuffle every day, for every card you can reasonably afford. I’ve had pretty good luck with that, and passed several GPUs along to friends at cost.

This dude has absolutely vanished from public appearances since punching him on live television replaced baseball as the national pass time.

During the BLM protests in 2020, police in my city threw tear gas at a children’s choir in a public area in the middle of the day. They also threw tear gas into the cars of people who were just driving close to the protest area.

Remember when there were pipeline protests by Native groups and they were brutally and violently put down by the police almost immediately?

Or just, like, the keys to the pickup trucks after you arrest the yokel who parked it.

Yeah all those beach parties with Teslas pulled up on the sand.

I’m 100% certain blasting music from exterior speakers is not the solution to that problem.

Once again, why is this shit even a feature? Nobody needs their car to broadcast noise outside. It’s already irritating enough when someone’s bass is shaking my car or when a motorcycle blasting shitty music goes by.

This seems like a suspiciously easy nice price. What’s the catch?

God, I fucking hate vegans.

You got me there, definitely got the dates wrong. 2000/2001 is correct.

You should never trust anyone named Brantly.

That’s the technical term, I’m sure.

My Dad had one of the first of these sold in our midsize midwest city circa 1997. He bought it for my mother who suddenly decide she didn’t want to drive a stick anymore, so he drove it for the better part of a decade year round, included midwest winters. I regret not buying it from him when he got rid of it, but I