RiceRocketeer Extraordinaire

Counterpoint: Fuck everything Bay Area.

Even Grover?

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The Grable video (the first one) is extraordinary, why/how would you even want that much fire power from an artillery gun?

Another Skyline responsible for leaving big skid marks:

I don’t understand the appeal of burn outs. Sure there is noise and smoke, but I own a stereo and a fireplace if I need both at once.

Time Cop.

Why would he get a Citation? That’s a downgrade from his Delorean.

They should cut him some slack, he was just trying to take his date to her high school prom.

And this is yet another reason people hate cops. Who writes a ticket for a guy going 88 in a Delorean?

I can’t even tell the teams apart because of those stupid fucking uniforms.

big idiot’s beef

Alas. If only Twitter displayed same stats back in ‘13:

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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I doubt this asshole will get the “Mentally Ill” treatment/justification

My brother-in-law fights (extremely) low-level MMA. He’s 21 and could break me in half.

Since I was a freshman in High School I wanted a WRX. 15 years later I finally had the opportunity to purchase one.

Still own my 60 gigabit day one fat PS3.