RiceRocketeer Extraordinaire

This was a fight that I lost so many times with my editors that I eventually quit journalism. You would not believe the number of times that reporters want to call a lie a lie, and editors walk it back because they’re scared of seeming like the reporter is “taking a side.” Telling the truth is not a demonstration of

Hey, Meals on Wheels isn’t political, either. But, you know, it’s 2017, and evidently feeding the elderly poor just isn’t a good investment anymore and anybody who says differently or advocates basic human decency is just being ‘political’ anymore.

This is true of most sports bar the top, costs are exorbitant and prize money is miniscule, I ski raced in the 80s and the top national guys were still living 5 to a hotel room- the only perk was free demo skiis that they engraved so we couldn’t sell them for food

The Magic defense is a thing of ugly.

Yeah, and re: positioning, a nice graphic that ESPN had up after the first set:

The Federer backhand is an awesome development. The best player in the history of the game still improving at 35 years old. Quite inspiring.

In some history books in 2150 it would read “The second cold war was started by a strange group of people that loved rusted Volkswagen Beetles and brown station wagons”

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

Crazy Jimmy aside, get a colonoscopy when you turn 50. A colonoscopy is the only screening test that can actually prevent cancer. No, the prep is no fun but it is more fun than a surgery and six months of chemotherapy. I’m tired of seeing people in their early sixties with metastatic colon cancer that could have been

Pro Tip: think hard about when you would actually use these, and what the chances are that you would be carrying them around at that time.

Pro Tip: think hard about when you would actually use these, and what the chances are that you would be carrying

Eh, my last PC took me less than three hours to build, worked the first time I turned it on, and has been running fine for four years. They’re not that tough to put together anymore.

This isn’t what I meant when I said I wanted to build another virtual machine.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Didn’t reach destination, but the trip was 🔥

Steve Bannon is what stupid people think smart people sound like. He shares this trait with Newt Gingrich. His “academic” credentials are as follows: A degree from Virginia Tech in 1974. While Tech is a fine school nowadays, it was a “you have a heart beat” school then. That status was supplanted by schools like

Steve Bannon is not uneducated. It defies belief that someone who understands Wall Street and capitalism

Back in my day we used a big gulp cup and a length of garden hose! You attach the hose to a hole in the bottom of the big gulp cup. Garden hose goes in the leg of your shorts, the bug gulp cup goes out the window. Fresh, breezy balls!

I was hoping the spot where your son spilled all the salt would show some black, but no.

It really bothers me that the triforce isn’t even centered.

I’m surprised. He definitely has a few good years left in him. Then again, it’s very prudent of him to get out now. He’s made his money, he’s got the hardware, he has the stats, he’s got everything he wanted out of the NFL, I expect.