If only the Stinger were available with a stick ... and they developed one for the G70 instead?
If only the Stinger were available with a stick ... and they developed one for the G70 instead?
Looks like the other colors are discounted, they linked to the only one that’s still at full price (blue)
Looks like the other colors are discounted, they linked to the only one that’s still at full price (blue)
translation: we are gluttonous pigs and need to carry surplus calories in even larger quantities than usual with us when traveling.
shuddering to think of all the broken unwritten rules and retaliation beanings this would have entailed in the MLB
so how was the wife after the lobotomy?
yeah, plenty of complaints in the YouTube comments about how poorly the official highlight videos are made, especially considering they do takedowns of fan-made highlights.
Only a few more steps ‘til blernsball ...
Well ... cleanup would be easier, at least.
“Untied States of America” indeed.
did you think they were filling the potholes with asphalt? *cough cough*
Wait til you see the pink jacket guy right next to the scorer’s table (in the video) - he had a full second on everyone else.
My very first thought exactly. Have a star!
I honestly love it. Adam Silver, are you listening?
The NBA needs an embellishment rule, a penalty box, and this ref to call the Rockets-Warriors series.
I only remembered him as the gangly punching bag for Sampras, Agassi, and later Roddick. Shocked that he’s in the news and has this much influence.
opened comments for this, left satisfied.
at least you got the right sport