
Lacob’s Splatter

One wonders how a relationship could survive if one is always looking through their personal belongings sniffing out a possible affair. It’s like they’re accusing their partner of being unfaithful again and again and telling them flat out that they are not only untrustworthy, but not interested in repairing the

It seems to me like the other person in your back-and-forth is a being a bit disingenuous.

You should never EVER give someone in your life access to any of that, nor should they ask for it. It is the NUMBER ONE red flag in emotionally abusive or controlling relationships. If you don’t trust them and they don’t trust you enough to keep your email or social media private, get out of that shitty relationship.

We all need our cotton candy.

If you haven’t been cheating and lying then her demanding to search your phone and email would be a huge flag. Might even be a sign that she has been lying about something.

That being said, trust takes time to rebuild but if you can’t get through the initial “what do we do now” after the cheating has been revealed then

It was tough for me because my ex-spouse demanded my social media passwords and then unfriended people who had nothing to do with the affair. She deleted any photo of her from my phone or social media accounts that she deemed unflattering. She also started posting as me, broadcasting to everyone what a great marriage

The Mountain that Rides Up Your Ass

I don’t fathom why people are giving you shit for this. I understand the point you are making.

this is the correctest attitude

Nobody smart in San Diego cares. If the Chargers leave, they will be a mediocre team in LA with no fan base.

Even a stopped clock finds a nut twice a day.

Diddy is a punter?

Imagine having the energy to give a fuck about this.

I agree with you, actually. I don’t think they ought to change the rules to suit these dudes at all. I just think the product should improve.

Seriously. And professor glasses and suits weren’t cool until these guys started wearing them. Someone start the revolution.

Looks like Winston spent the offseason working on cap placement with Fred McGriff.

You do realize that people from other countries follow the NFL, NBA and MLB right? And the answer is because people like watching elite athletes playing the sport they enjoy. If I enjoy watching soccer I’d rather watch an EPL match than the MLS. Is that clear enough for you or did you forget to tighten your helmet on

This comment is fundamentally insane. First, "trade Towns for a cheap rim-protecting big and some other pieces." Nah. Second, Monroe plus a rim-protecting big is, uh, the Pistons. Third, the triangle puts three players (and you're right, mostly non-screening players) on the strong side and relies on movement and

Eh, this Rice is too grainy.