
Yeah no shit. The story’s about a young girl discovering her sexuality and how it affects the rest of her life, her relationship with her family.

Is it still considered piracy if you already pre-ordered the game and just want to play it sooner on superior hardware?

because there’s no way to prove the tool is being used for piracy just because it *can* be used for piracy.

but it would be easier to just ignore the leaks.

This is one of those situations where everyone gets off on a technicality. Yeah, some people use emulation tools to play and mod games they legally own, but the vast majority use it for piracy. Especially in the case of Zelda, where the game isn’t even out yet so literally every single instance of emulation thus far is

What a ridiculously entitled outlook you have

Why is it always seem like everyone acts like it’s a dick move when Microsoft pulls this kind of shit but shrewd and savvy when Sony does it?

Games like FFVII recontextualized the skirt as feminine clothing item not only for women to wear, but to be sexualized in.”

This strikes me as an odd blanket statement. Skirts have been sexualized for far longer than their appearance in videogames, and their usage in games is reflective of their usage in reality

Hot on the heels of, “P5 won’t let me ship Joker and Ryuji like in my headcanon so it’s homophobic,” comes, “A P5 spinoff won’t bring back the dead sociopathic murderer I like so it’s homophobic.” I can’t wait for Part 3 of this thrilling trilogy, “P5 made me lose my wallet yesterday so it’s homophobic.”

He’s dead.  Also, fuck off with calling this homophobia... they have no reason to bring Akechi back just because he was your favorite character.  There is no reason to equate that to the hatred and violence people have against homosexuals...

Akechi is a cop that murdered Futabas mother, which in turn made Sad Coffee Dad Sojiro a bachelor for life. There is nothing to like with this kid. I’m glad he died and I hope he is revived to die again. Fight me.

Regarding Iron Bull, I think the problem isn’t Iron Bull or “Demands of the Qun” so much as it is a more general issue with how the Qunari have been portrayed.

I bought the game at launch and have probably finished about half of the story and it’s always wild when I hear people talking about how broken it is. Like I don’t think anyone is lying but past some basics like the camera clipping through the wall or the framerate dropping, I’ve experienced almost nothing. No

I agree with your stance much more than the kotaku review. This has been one of the most fun pokemon games to me as well, even while also being the most broken.

I don’t find myself disagreeing with Kotaku reviews very often, and this is the first one in recent memory that I just kind of outright disagreed with.

I very disagree with the concept that the world isn’t fun to explore. There are hidden secrets everywhere and I had a ton of fun doing so. 

It’s not even out yet so we don’t know how much content is in it. What exactly are you trying to complain about? 

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

Lol, what a shitty comment. Come on Luke, be better than that. Every company has stuff they will and won’t allow when it comes to fan made projects, Nintendo just says no to almost all of it. So no, no company just lets people make any shit they want regarding their ip’s. You should know this.

Their reputation for litigiousness aside, is there a path you can imagine that would have Nintendo, protective of the child-safety of several of their franchises, agree to work with a developer making a game where the characters of one of those franchises are murdered?