
Hot on the heels of, “P5 won’t let me ship Joker and Ryuji like in my headcanon so it’s homophobic,” comes, “A P5 spinoff won’t bring back the dead sociopathic murderer I like so it’s homophobic.” I can’t wait for Part 3 of this thrilling trilogy, “P5 made me lose my wallet yesterday so it’s homophobic.”

The US DoD doesn’t allow DJI drones to be flown on installations anymore for any reason (including as test assets) without special permission, even with the telemetry, broadcasting, and other non-flight essential hardware removed. I’m not saying there are better options for private use, because I don’t know of any,

I’ve hit the microphone mute button instead of the home button by accident.  At least the mute button sticks out enough for my thumb to recognize it immediately as a button.

This is just so cool!

That was the absolute best Double XP comic, okay, maybe ever. Everybody says so.

Final Fantasy VI. (AKA Final Fantasy III in the USA on SNES.)

Final Fantasy VI. (AKA Final Fantasy III in the USA on SNES.)

Now playing

Love the 30th Anniversary Concert version of this song...

Zach, did you play a lot of Wildlands? And did you also play the Breakpoint beta? I really enjoyed Wildlands but have been kind of disappointed by Breakpoint.

It’s difficult for me to express how stunned I am right now. I’m not sure what drove me to click on this article - I don’t exactly read Jezebel - and skim over the first few paragraphs. But when I got to the picture, I felt my stomach drop. The Yush Gupta you were writing about is the same Yush I went to high school

You know, when it comes to articles around here that touch on serious topics (e.g., harassment), I always look forward to reading your comment(s) afterwards.  Even when I disagree with you, I appreciate your perspective.

Kirk - if I agree to finally play through the Witcher 3, will you publish a gripping, lusty sequel to your Witcher 2 novelization?