
It’s a shame that even though Patricia is now gone, the roster of rage bait artists she hired are still around

Why? They paid their money to play the game they can play it however they want. 

Nah I get what he means. The discourse has been fucking weird for a few years about this project.

Because you can’t drive the Mechs? Sort of sounds like you just wanted to dunk on Bethesda’s reputation for releasing buggy products. All cool.

It’s a single-player RPG with no DLC plans. Why would the player count matter six months after its release?

You got my click, but not my respect.  Shame that you’ve circled back to the corpse to try to get a few more heartbeats out of it.

It’s a single player RPG, and like the headline says it’s been 6 months after release with several high profile games that have launched in the interim and soaked up the limelight.

...an actual RPG?

I couldn’t pinpoint what it was about the Mario RPG and Wonder announcement that made me cry, it was like a breakthrough in therapy for me I never knew I needed, but I am pretty sure it is the throw back art that took me back to a happier time in my life. I am actually excited for Mario games again and I didn’t see

Thanks to this article, I will no longer let suits tell me whether or not a game is important.

This is just generic marketing speak. More unnecessary negativity about Starfield...this is incredibly conspicuous, guys.

I started my day this morning by having one of the most important breakfast sandwiches ever made. 

It’s just marketing speak, most sensible people will understand the hyperbole. The biggest issue is preorder bonuses in the gaming industry in general. Disgusting tactic

When has a BGS game ever had any narrative urgency..? I put over 300 hours into Skyrim and I think I did two main story quests. Same with Oblivion.

Main narrative? Absolutely not.

Background lore?  You bet.  That’s one area Bethesda does really well, imo, and it’s part of what keeps the Elder Scrolls games interesting for me.

I don’t think they were being literal. It seems like they had an idea that wasn’t doable and they never let it go and now it’s possible. 

I can’t watch a video of MaleShep without thinking of “we’ll bang, okay?” Thanks, mans1ay3r.

I’m shocked games have remained at $60 for so long. That was the standard new release price for games back in the N64/PS1 era. If I adjust $60 in 1999 for inflation it comes out to $110 in today’s dollars. When I think of all of the hours my son and I will get out of TotK,$70 is a steal. 

Great comment, thanks for contributing. 

Uh ISPs have been doing this for well over a decade? Got nastygrams from AT&T back in 2010 for downloading fansubs of Naruto episodes.