I heart Westies

Can we also get rid of the #GirlDad shit as well?

Even if we had medicare for all. She might have to move to be closer to a doctor that would be willing to treat her. 

I think her goal is not only finding relief but in sharing the insanity of her attempts to get competent and compassionate care. I certainly didn’t know this was a thing. And I bet a lot of other people didn’t either. Was Tiktok the best place to bring this to public attention? I don’t know. It seems to have worked.

between this and the states that have already passed aggressive abortion bans who are now looking at how to prosecute women who go to neighboring states to get abortions, all I can assume is the GQP assumes women’s brains are way too small or they’ll be distracted by something shiny they saw on the Kardashians to

I mean, it is the same party that only fifteen years ago managed to install Denny Hastert as Speaker, second in the presidential line of succession. Despite being half-orc, Cheney looked like St. Francis by comparison.

The important thing to know about Republicans is that literally nothing they do is actually for the reasons they give. There is 100% always an ulterior motive that is unspoken.

Now playing

When Trump dies I plan to take a page from the book of this woman reacting to the death of Thatcher:

Police ultimately declined to charge or arrest anyone and let the neighbors work it out themselves, according to the Post.

On the other hand, let’s see if there’s any change to their donations to the GOP after this announcement.

Excuse you, it’s also pedophilia if the underage girl is white and the perpetrator isn’t.

Have you learned nothing? It’s only pedophilia if it’s a same sex offender, or if the victim is a boy. Underage girls always want it and are to blame for ‘seducing’ the poor men who can’t help themselves. 

just wanted to say hi to my fellow tennessean. always love seeing folks who hate gov hvac as much as me.

Don’t worry, Gov. Holcomb and the IN state legislature will ensure that the next 10 year old victim either in IN or from another state will stay pregnant because they’re fixing to pass some bullshit. They were to meet this week, but pushed it back to the end of the month. A law preventing D+C in 2nd tri was just

These assholes barely care about their own white, wealthy wives and daughters who have access to the best health care available. There isn’t a single goddamn chance in hell they could be bothered to think of a woman they aren’t directly related to, who isn’t in their socio-economic strata or, you know, white, as a

Her weekly clothing budget is higher than this entire annual salary! My guess is they’re offering this starvation wage because they know the only people who can afford to take this job are rich/upper class/trust fund baby aristocrats (who are usually white). Kate and William refused to release their staff’s diversity

As always, the first thing to attack a woman about when you feel she’s getting above herself is her perceived unfuckability. 🙄

I don’t know if it counts as a dog-whistle, but incels have been whining for years about how women who are educated have Opinions and Desires that may conflict with what men want, and with it more financial freedom that enables them to walk away from someone who wants to control them.

It could be argued that attempting suicide in a location where your child can easily find you (or is the most likely person to find you) is abusive, especially in the context of her other emotional & physical abuse toward him. And I’m also a parent who’s dealt with suicidal ideation, so I’m very sympathetic to the

The one laugh I’ve consistently gotten out of this (admittedly rather bitter in nature) is seeing his diehard fans on social media where it’s like all these kids in their teens or early twenties, as I said at the time of the London trial a worrying amount of them women or girls, who don’t seem like they did the best

I remember reading an interview with him when The Rum Diaries was coming out, talking about how much he idolized Hunter S. Thompson as if that were anything but a massive red flag. Most people eventually grow out of the culture that glorifies overconsumption of booze and drugs; Depp clearly never did.