I heart Westies

They have two good songs.

It wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I don’t pass up a chance to say this: Megan Thee Stallion is an upstanding citizen and should probably be considered a role model for everyone. Despite a thriving (and growing) musical career, celebrity, money, etc., she still went back to school to finish a degree in a

I’m a breastfeeding mom to an almost 7-month-old, and already getting asked how long I will breastfeed. a) I don’t know, but b) I love the bond it creates between mother and child and c) mind your own business. Thanks for a wonderful (and hilarious) article!

That, and the way it became a class signifier. Breastfeeding, especially for infants who don’t really thrive on much else, can be a huge time-suck (heh), thus in the days before standardized commercial formula, having a wet nurse - often of a marginalized social and/or racial group, was the easiest way for a mother to

The only reason breastfeeding is shameful is because old white guys got offended years ago and made it their cause to demonize it.

I’m really rooting for her to end up completely alone--no friends, no son, no Nya, no Steve, no Che. Not forever—but just long enough that she stops being a simpering ninny and owns up to her shit.

Amend the bill to require the ‘biological father’ to post bond equal to the projected medical and nutrition expenses (with, say, a 50% cushion to account for unexpected costs) as a precondition for filing the suit, to be held as a trust that the woman draws from, any remaining funds to be returned after the delivery.

Also, though they can force the woman to take the pregnancy to completion, there’s nothing that says they have to pay child support or otherwise support the woman.  As always with these fuckers, the importance of the fetus ends when it’s born.

So what happens to the men who sue just to control women (I know, like 99.9999999999% of suits like this) and then don’t follow through with paying for adequate nutrition, health care expenses, etc. Or am I stupid for even asking?

Kanye is a toxic, horrible person who deserves to reap what he sows. I am sensitive to the fact that he’s mentally ill, but running around manic making an ass of yourself and embarrassing people close to you is not okay. It’s certainly no excuse to physically threaten your ex’s new boyfriend. Get help, take your meds!

Yep, and too often the language people claim is neutral or objective is anything but. Language reveals and reflects power - in the example from this very article, the witness perceived a gentleman and a girl. One actor was elevated and one was diminished. Too many people scoff at this idea, saying “oh, come on, it’s

I wonder if his extreme “I can sleep around but I will control my separated wife’s life” misogyny is the same as it always was or was made worse by his sudden conversion to Evangelical Christianity.

Several studies have found at least 40% of police officers are domestic abusers, themselves.

The fact that she bilked Betsy DeVos’ family out of about $35 million makes this even better.

They could literally be wasting their energy opening housing co-ops for single mothers running daycare centers with apprenticeships from the local high schools and junior colleges because nothing gets you birth control like seeing how hard taking care of a baby is but also it would teach more people child care and

As a rule, cops arent that aggressive in investigating clinic fires.  

As sad as this is, I’m glad she never seemed to enter a period of prolonged and extreme decline like so many people her age do. She lived long and died quickly, and that’s basically the dream.

If these bozos spent half as much time supporting mothers in need and laws for easier adoption they could cut the abortion rate in half as well. Not to mention shelters for abused women and harsh penalties for domestic abuse.

I sure am glad Ken Peters weighed in with his Christian thoughts. We’d like to have no abortion in America too, Ken. It starts with lots of free birth control and a social safety net for families. Ken? Ken? Where’d you go?

As a Brit, absolutely agreed. The Harry and Megan stuff was a much bigger deal here in the US than back home. My impression is that, the press notwithstanding, lots of people liked them up until that interview which didn’t do them any favors and as you said muddied the waters regarding their more serious allegations.