I heart Westies

Imagine your grandmother’s, or possibly great grandmother’s, perfume. Now imagine that in gummy form, dusted with powdered sugar cut with 50% corn starch to keep it from sticking to everything.

Right?!! I thought Turkish Delight must be something amazing—Lewis really sells it in the book. I mean, it was so addictive, it compelled Edmund to betray his brother and sisters. Imagine my chagrin when I found out they were just applets and cotlets.

We should focus more on how Turkish Delights are complete ass and I went on a whole journey as a child searching for them because of the book. Top 5 disappointments of my life.

I recently read the memoir Educated by Tara Westover, who was raised and homeschooled in a Mormon separatist family. She managed to get a college education and leave the family and ideology all together but its clear from her book that that was only possible because she was able to become financially independent from

How that shook out with Counting On really goes to show the sway culture and religious belief can have.

Honestly, most of them convince themselves they did nothing wrong and probably don’t even think about it.

I think guys like this look for targets can either easily discredit or feel won’t say anything. Both of these women were in their early 20's. With one woman going to the police could have caused her to lose her job or career. The other was just waitress. The cops might believe but will a prosecutor press charges?

God today sucked. After coworkers feigned interest in me cooking for the store, only one person took any after I spent all night cooking. Then I was misgendered by an idiot who works in one of our sister stores and she trashed the fitting room after I’d been especially nice to her. 

I almost missed that this is an SNS post! Anyway, that lady is weird. Now if you’ll excuse me, my cat’s Bat Mitzvah won’t plan itself...

That’s the next target after making abortions illegal.

The sad issue with this is that as ostensibly liberal people leave red states, those red states will become even more conservative and thus enforcing nationwide gerrymandering (in a sense) in that places with smaller, conservative populations will continue to have an outsized voice in the senate.

“Effective birth control is available”.

And all on a No Bones day, to boot.

I so love your posts shouting out all the wonderful kitties in shelters just waiting for their own loving human/s to boss around! <3 <3 <3

This post each week brings me the only calm i ever really get. Thank you.

DST is an opportunity totally missed:

That totally sucks about your computer and glasses!! Ugh, the worst to have those big things happen at the same time.

Hi SNS friends. Anyone still out there?