
A month or so ago I would have said yes, that’s insane (and I like him). But lately I feel like my answer is “...maybe?”

Puck had already become a forever tainted name, like Adolph.

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

You know entertainment news is not her beat, right?

I dunno guys. I’m starting to feel the Bern. He is a breath of fresh air. Is it crazy to think he could really pull this thing off? (According to polling he currently has a higher chance of beating Trump than Hillary)

I think about that letter all the time. This practice is absolutely still happening and it still has the same impact. As mothers who fear the loss of our children we react in fear and protection. We struggle with what the right answer is or isn’t every single day. We let go of some of the fear because we have to

My 6’ 200lb 14 year old son was at my house with his 5’10” 175lb 12 year old cousin who lives 4 houses away around the corner. They decide to go to his house and play video games so they take off down the street at 8pm with an Xbox and flat screen tv. Still scares me.

Agreed. McGinty is a piece of shit who abdicated his responsibility to his job and became a cheerleader for the defense. What an immoral, disgraceful coward. If he had any dignity at all he would submit his resignation tomorrow morning. His lack of any empathy for the Rice family makes him unsuitable for public

I’m sorry that you and your son have to live with that. It’s not fair.

Fuck Tim McGinty for blaming a 12 year old for his own death and fuck the grand jury that failed to indict the trigger happy cops responsible.

Prosecutor McGinty deliberately sabotaged the case, never advocating for my son, and acting instead like the police officers’ defense attorney.

Grand Juries are bullshit.

They don’t understand that this isn’t the way you are treated in the beginning. It’s gradual. When it first happens it seems completely out of the norm and you wonder WTF just happened and why... It’s not like they do this on the first date where you would know to run. It’s not like they don’t wear you down with all

I’m sorry you went through that. I’m finally starting to put a name on what my husband’s issues are - the BPD diagnosis was suggested by a physician friend. I never thought I’d end up in a relationship like this, either. You never do think you will.

Thank you for sharing. Im so sorry you went through that. I’ve been in 2 relationships where things like what you described happened to me. And I just left the second one 10 days ago. I feel so relieved. Its awful and scary and I’m sorry. Sending you big hugs.

Talk about it. I was with a guy with BPD for 3 years, he was emotionally abusive and I am the sort of woman that NO ONE would believe would end up in a relationship like that.

I am so glad she’s speaking out. The feeling of having to hide your experience for fear of looking weak, like an idiot and/or pathetic is so strong and something I’m still dealing with years after divorcing my abuser.

I just ask that you consider me when you talk about your ex because everyone knows who you’re talking about.

I just saw her do a brief set at Meltdown last month and she was pretty open about the abuse and made a few really great pointed jokes about how we treat victims. Love seeing her use comedy to make herself feel stronger. Also, her ex sounds like a grade A asshole.

That’s $41 per woman forced into sex slavery, seventy years after the war ended. In 1942 dollars, that would be, what, a few cents? That’s bullshit.